Chapter 55×

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Not edited.

I'm thirsty. How long has it been since I've been asleep?

Do I usually even sleep this long?

Wait. Why was I asleep in the first place?

Right! I want to revive everyone but I somehow fell asleep after I did my part.

Is everyone okay?

Is Rimuru okay? Why am I not waking up yet?

Are you ready to wake up?

Yes please. I'd like to see everyone.

Fail. Please try again.

What? What's a fail about that? Who are you anyway? Giving me a choice to wake up or not? Who do you think you are?

Are you ready to wake up?

Yes! Please! Just let me.. Wake.. Up...


You slowly opened your eyes, but tightly closed them back at the pain that pound against your head.

"Oh my. You're finally awake." You opened your eyes once more at the voice that spoke to you. It was so angelic. You wanted to hear it again. "Seems like you have a headache. Don't worry. I'll take care of you." You turned your head to the source, eyes widen like saucer at the person in front of you.

"E.. E.." You couldn't spit it out. Was she actually in front of you?

"Elith," The woman giggled. "Don't tell me you forgot my name already." You didn't care that she was trying to brighten up your mood with a small joke. The only thing you cared about was your friend actually standing in front of you.

"Elllliithhh~" You cried out. You jumped out of the soft bed you once laid on and flew on the woman for a hug, having her tumble over just a bit. "Y-You're.. You're alivvveeeeee~" You continued to whined, dribble of snot falling from your nose and onto her baige blouse.

"And it's all because of you, Y/N." The brown skinned was happy as well to finally be together with her long term friend once again. "I love you so much, Y/N. I never want to be away from you ever again."

"Me neither, Elith~"

"Stop being a crybaby, Y/N." You removed your snotty face from Elith's shoulder and looked toward the bedroom door where Zeldin stood.

"You're calling Y/N the crybaby when you were the one who was exactly like her? Except worst?"

"Shut up, Elith! We don't speak on that here!" Zeldin blushed in embarrassment as Elith laughed.

"Gosh. I miss you guys." Zeldin walked up to the two and engulfed them into a big hug.

"I hope to never be apart from any of you ever again." You sniffed as you spoke.

"Ha. Same here." Zeldin tightened the hug with a soft smile.


Why this chapter actually got me crying a little when I wrote it? 😢

Hope you guys missed Elith just as much as I did.. (although I'll probably forget about her for awhile 🥴🥴)

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