Chapter 30×

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Not edited.

You thought about what Rimuru said all day. He was right. Doing things by yourself shouldn't always be an option. It's okay to ask for help. But..

Did my mom see me as a burden? Is that why she left?

Hold on. Where is this thought coming from? How could you possibly come up with such a thought? Of course she didn't left you because you were a burden.. You were just a child.

She must've left because she was tired of everything. Everything including me.

You slapped yourself hard across the face, trying to rid of the negative thoughts that surrounded your mind.

"Ugh.. Stop." You muttered to yourself. "Ugh." You got off the large bed and placed on a small skirt that matched the shirt you were wearing. "It's almost dark. I should probably get something for when Rimuru gets back."


"Y/N?" Rimuru opened the door to the hotal with a questionable look at the lack of your voice. "Is she mad at me?" He took the mask from the side of his head and placed it gently on the bed. "Hm. Maybe she took a walk?" A sudden knock on the door broke the man's ongoing thinking. He quickly went over to the door and opened it, only to reveal Chloe and Alice, who held on tightly to a plushy with fear in their eyes. "Is something wrong?"

"Will we be okay tomorrow?" Rimuru eyes slightly widen at Alice's sudden question. He quickly went back into his room to grab his mask before walking out of it, shutting the door behind him.

"Let's go to the cafeteria."

"Teacher.." Chloe voiced softened at his response.


"Huh? That's weird. Sounds like someone's already in here." Rimuru muttered to himself as he stood near the cafeteria door, quietly listening to muttering voices behind the closed door.

"Is something the matter, teacher?" Alice wondered.

"No. Let's get inside." The blue head opened the door to the cafeteria and was surprised see Y/N, as well as Gale Kenya and Ryota all sitting down and chatting whilst drink hot cocoa. "Y/N?"

"Huh?" The woman in question turned at the sound of her name. "Oh hey, teach!" She giggled. "Come join us." Rimuru could only sweat drop at his wife sudden change of attitude.

"A-Alright. Come on Chloe, Alice." He motioned the two young girls to the table Y/N and the boys sat at. "I'll be right back with your hot cocoa."

And as promised, Rimuru was back within a minute with the hot substance for the two young girls.

"Thank you, teacher!" Rimuru watched as the two took a sip of their drink, warm smiles decorating their faces.

"Hehe. You're welcome." Rimuru smiled at the kids before turning his head toward your direction. "Y/N," He made his way to the empty seat next to you. "You're doing okay right?"

"Of course I am. I had a lot of time to think over the things you said and you're right. I shouldn't just leave everything up to myself." You softly smiled at the man in front of you.

"Well, that's good then." He sighed.

"Oh crap! I went to the cafeteria to get you something, but the boys distracted me with hot cocoa." You placed your cheek on the palm of your hand as you sulk.

"It's fine. I can drink some cocoa with you guys."

"Alright then."

Rimuru rubbed your back before standing up once again, grabbing everyone's, but yourself, attention.

"Alright then. Now that we have everyone here, I think it's best I tell you this now than later."

"I wonder what it's gonna be." Gale spoke, taking a sip of his hot cocoa afterwards.

"We're going on a field trip tomorrow."

"Huh? To where?" Gale questioned.

"To ulgrasia republic. There's a natural park I wanted to visit."

"Ulgra- what? We're leaving the country?"

Rimuru could only chuckle at the young boy's assumption. "It's where the spirit dwells."

"Sounds like fun." Y/N chimed in. "I just hope it won't be too dangerous."


Yh.. Don't know how to feel about this one🤔

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