Chapter 42×

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Both you and Rimuru ran down the street of Tempest as you both were trying to find anyone from the higher-up to have them explain what may have happened.

Your mind was distracted by the beating of your heart as it became louder with the thought of Elith or anyone from kingdom dying. You would've been lying if you said you weren't scared. You were truly scared and you weren't sure if Rimuru noticed excluding the times you verbally said so.

"What's with the crowd?" You noticed. Rimuru seemed to also noticed too as he stopped in his pace, a questionable look glued on his face when he realized it.

"Lord Rimuru! Lady Y/N!" You heard a voice called out and you were so happy to know it was Rigurd. The man threw himself onto your husband as he began weeping. "Oh thank goodness!"

"It seems as if I made you worry sick. I'm sorry." Rimuru consoled the man.

"It's a relief to see you're safe boss. You too, Lady." A man who stood next to Rigurd spoke. You didn't knew who he was, but you recognized him as the person who worked in one of the work shops in Tempest. You acknowledged him with a small nod and a smile.

Rigurd removed himself from Rimuru and began wiping the snot that was trailing down his nose. "Lord Rimuru.. There are somethings I wish to report and consult with you. You as well, lady Y/N."

"Hey, that crowd over there.." Rimuru pointed out.

"Why is there a crowd?" You questioned.

Before anyone could've answered your question, a loud noise was heard from the distance. You all ran toward the source to see Benimaru attacking someone, whilst Zeldin and another villager (assuming it's another higher-up on Rimuru's side) stood on the side.

"That's enough, Benimaru." The red head quickly stopped his actions when he heard the voice.

"Lord Rimuru...!"

"Lady Y/N!" Zeldin turned to look at you. You were happy to see Zeldin after many days of not seeing him, but.. What shook you was the tears that started welding up in his eyes. "Lady Y/N.." He walked up to you and threw himself onto you for a hug. "I'm sorry. I'm so, so, so sorry." You were now confused... What is he.... No.. It couldn't be... Right?


"There was an attack." Benimaru began explaining as he guided you all to an area. You were wondering why he was doing so, but it must've been a reason as to why Zeldin was crying just a while ago. "If it was the usual, there wouldn't have been this much devastation. Have we not been weakened by the barrier..."

And there it was.

"There wouldn't have been.."

The bodies. Bodies. Bodies. They were all dead. All lined up. What.. What happened...?

"No.." You started as you slowly began walking toward the bodies.. And then... That's when you noticed.

"No.. This can't be.." You placed a hand over you mouth at the sight of the kids... They're dead. The kids you promised a play time with. The kids who made you felt just a little bit happier just by the sight of them. The kids you've been looking after... They were all.. Dead. Jaamal, Eliot, Ema and Mary. They were all dead.

"The assailants had hidden themselves amongst the merchants. We were respectful to the human as ordered.." You listened as one of the villagers started speaking. "However, we did not expect that there would be malicious humans among us."

"Silence." Rigurd spoke, forcing the villager to quickly shut his mouth.

"How could they do such a thing..?" You questioned yourself. There were silence in the crowd as they weren't sure if they should speak or not. That's when someone from the crowd began talking.

"If I hadn't cast the greater magic, none of this would've happened." Your eyes widen and you turned to face the woman who spoke.

"You did this?" There was venom leaking from you lips.

"Yes and I'm truly sorry."

"Sorry? You thinking sorry is gonna bring everyone back to life?" You slowly began walking toward the woman and everyone can feel the anger that you were putting out.

"Calm down, Y/N." Rimuru grabbed a hold of your hand.

"Rimuru. Let go. Of. Me."

"Calm down." He said once more. He then focus his attention on the woman as he let out a sigh. "So you were the one who did this, Mijurran? You're sentence is currently pending."

"Sentence? Why don't you just kill her now?!" Rimuru understood how angry you were, but he thought killing the woman was something she exactly wanted and he didn't want succumb to her ordeal.

"I'm sorry, but you're now under arrest."

"And you're sorry?" You were starting to get angry at your husband.

Mijurran could only lowered her head at the punishment that she definitely deserved.

[A Promise]>R. Tempest x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz