Chapter 5: The Cupid

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One quiet day, a Cupid from the celestial realm decided to visit the world of humans and monsters. She would do this once every few years, come down to earth to see how the humans and monsters of the world were doing. This time though, she saw something new. A large building that looked like a human school, but out in the middle of nowhere.

"Why would they build a school all the way out here?" The Cupid pondered aloud before floating done to the ground, looking around to see if anyone was there. Suddenly, a bright light flashed and when it went away a girl with a bright starry eyes was in front of the Cupid, a star? "What's a star doing on earth? Usually they don't care to come down here." The Cupid thought. The star excitedly greeted the Cupid, "hello! Are you here for an interview?" Interview? What interview?

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about." The Cupid said, her voice soft. "Oh! I'm sorry, where are my manners? My name is Hoshi, it's nice to meet you! You're a Cupid right? What brings you down here?" Hoshi asked, "I could ask you the same, it's rare to see a star on earth." The Cupid replied. "Ah well, that's a long story! If you stay for a bit I could tell it to you, I could make some tea as well!" Hoshi said happily. "Aha, alright. I am very curious. My name is Connie, by the way." Connie responded, smiling as Hoshi dragged her into the school.




Hoshi spent a long time explaining why she came to earth, about her friends she's made here, and every detail about the school and how it came to be. Connie listened intently, she hasn't spent time with someone so talkative in a while.

"And then we hired a bunch of people to be teachers with the help of Natalie's robot friend Seven, we almost have everyone we need now! Except for a cook, no one has showed up for that role yet." Hoshi said finishing up her explanation. "That's all very interesting! But a cook you say? I rather enjoy cooking." Connie said. "Really? Then would you like to take that job? You could stay with us if you don't have a house in this world! And if you ever have business in celestia then I can substitute for you!" Hoshi replied.

The Cupid thought for a moment, lightly stirring what was left of her tea before answering. "I don't see why not. As a Cupid I have certain duties in celestia, but not as many as say an angel. And I often get bored with nothing to do, so I think I'll take you up on that offer!" Connie decided and Hoshi clapped excitedly, giving the Cupid a quick hug and grabbed her hand to introduce her to Natalie.

Fun fact with Hoshi! Cupid was originally named "Cupid" but author thought it was too uncreative of a name, so she renamed her Connie instead!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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