Chapter 3: The Twins

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There are not many communities within the monster population, but there are a couple of small towns that certain monster groups set up around the forest. These are the places Seven was sent to to hand out flyers, as the best way to find monsters without aimlessly walking around the forest was to go to one of these small towns.

This particular one had only a few huts, a small clinic, and two small shops, one for food and one for everything else. As Seven went to go to one of the stores, he saw a male purple slime walk out of the clinic and wave at the doctor at the door. He seemed to work there. Seven approached the slime and spoke to get his attention. "Hello, would you like a flyer?" The purple slime looked at the robot and tilted his head, "a flyer? For what?" He asked. "A school for young monsters is opening soon, a place where they can be educated. We are looking for people willing to fill the role of staff, if you are interested there is a list of available positions on the flyer." Seven said, then handed the flyer to the slime.

The slime looked at the paper for a second, then shrugged and smiled. "Alright, I'll take a look at it with my sister." The slime said, and Seven nodded. Seven then walked away to find another person to give a flyer to, and the slime put the flyer in his satchel bag on his hip.




"Sarai! I'm home!" The purple slime called out, closing the door behind him as he walked into his small cabin he shared with his younger twin sister. "Hey Odei! Welcome back! I was just cleaning up." Sarai, a green slime, said as she walked in from the other room. "The weirdest thing happened today, a robot man approached me after I left my shift at the clinic and gave me a flyer. He said something about a school for monster kids. I took a flyer, you wanna see?" Odei asked after explaining the odd occurrence, and his sister nodded and walked over to sit on the old couch they had, setting down the makeshift broom in her hands.

Odei sat next to Sarai and then pulled the flyer from his satchel, showing it to Sarai and reading over it with her. "the Academy for Non-Human Entities? How strange, it's an interesting concept." Sarai said after reading the title and description. "Yeah it is. Wanna see what jobs are open? Maybe if there's something we're good at that we can do, we could go check it out. It might be fun." Odei said and Sarai nodded, the two flipping the flyer over to look at the available jobs.

"Oh! Look Odei, the position for nurse is open! You're good at medicine, you should sign up!" Sarai said pointing at the text that said 'school nurse' and Odei nodded, "yeah maybe! Oh and look, the janitor position is open too. You love cleaning, so maybe you could do that. Then we can sign up together." Odei said pointing like his sister did a second ago, and Sarai smiled and nodded.

After a while of talking about if they actually wanted to sign up for an interview or not, they decided they would the next day. When they arrived at the school together they both both spoke to headmistress Natalie, and passed the test needed to be hired.

Fun fact with Hoshi! Contrary to what you might assume, the slime twins aren't liquidy at all! They're completely solid albeit a bit squishy, kind of like jello! Think the slimes from Minecraft, how they look mostly solid!

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