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Sat starts to slide his hand through her neck and he tries to choke and kill her. "I am sorry Panda this was my intention from beginning and you have fallen right into it😈....If i were you I would have never let Ace go" says Sat. Panda keeps crying and keeps regretting what she did.

A circular wind force comes through the window and send Sat flying away  as Panda falls onto ground. Sat in anger " Who the hell is it now, show your self you bastard". Ace comes out of shadows and revels himself and gets inside the house. "Impossible , but u left her and i thought you would come back" say Sat surprised. "Foolish of you to think i would abandon my friend" say Ace and uses a wind blast and send him flying through the wall.

Ace grabs Panda and gives her a potion. "Im sorry Ace i should not have done like , I really didn't mean any of it to happen , I wasn't thinking straight" Say Panda as she cries. "If you taught straight you wouldn't be my friend , which is of course a better choice" Says Ace. Panda knowing that she is going to be alright says "fucker" with a smile and passes out.

Ace starts to glare at Sat as he was not happy with him and Sat glares back for ruining his plan....

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