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Ace kept trying for hours but couldn't find the right opening to jump down. after trying for several hours Ace decides to take a break and rest for a while. "You think we should go back?" Asks Panda but Ace refuses.

After few minutes the lava's centre started opening on its own and Ace saw it as a chance and yelled at Panda "Hey panda its opening I am jumping". Ace jumped and as soon he got near the exit he saw the lava closing back in. Ace panics and then he uses his magic "circle wall of wind" and it creates a circular wall of wind pushing away the lava and he jumps right in the exit. Ace realises it night and they plan on camping in between the exit of old realm and entry of the new realm.

As Ace used up a lot of energy he falls asleep as soon as the campfire is set. 'Panda starts to glare at him in a loving way and recollects all his cute moments. 'Panda had a crush on Ace but never confronted about her feelings because she was scared that he may not like it and may leave her'. Panda sits next to him and starts rubbing his head and smiles and she remembers how lovely Ace is. She then makes his head rest on lap and holds his hand while she rubs his head.

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