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Ace doesn't sleep that night thinking about the adventure ahead of him. In the morning Panda come to Aces home and they set start to the adventure.

Ace takes panda to the dark realm and says  "Yep here we are lets start the journey". Panda asks "How are we going to find her tho, like do you have a map or something?" . Ace replies "Nope but i get dreams of different parts like the level of a game and we can figure out from that". Ace leaves wizzy behind as he didn't want any trouble for Wizzy.

Dark realm is a place where theres a lot of different kind of tough situations and challenges awaits them.  It spawns them in a random place away from the original world and only way out is to find the path to the end.

They go in and and they randomly appear on the edge of a volcano. As Ace and Panda looks around for the route out Panda slips and start falling down. Ace see it and tries to grab her but couldn't. Ace start to scream and Panda comes out flying. "Did u forget i can control fire" Asks Panda and Ace realises it and feels so dumb that he starts hiding his face. Panda goes down the volcano to see and discovers that the route out of this is inside the volcano. Panda being able to control flame , she could go in easily but for Ace it was tough.

He then gets an idea to release a wind bullet big enough that will go down straight and impact it on its centre so that the lava goes away from centre in a circular radius and he jump in the time till it covers it back up.

Ace explains the plan to Panda and Panda replies "Wow how did you think of this" and Ace is like "Thats why you need to pay attention in the class its simple phy😂". Panda trying not to feel dumb asks him to shut up and start firing wind bullets.

The destiny of dreamsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora