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During the class Ace fell asleep and the dream struck him again but it was different from what he dreamt before. In the dream "Wow how are you doing it??" Asks Ace , the girl replies "secret hehe".

The teacher wakes up Ace and , Ace wakes up furiously. The teacher asks "Ace are you all right?" , "Yea yea I'm good , sorry for that kind of reaction. It was just a bad dream".

After the class Ace meets Panda , " What happened you look dull" asks Panda , "Well theres something that has been bothering me from few days i guess". "Wow its been a long time since i have seen you like that , when was the last time 7-9 years back?" says Panda. "Well i will tell you if you duel me" Says Ace will full of energy  , "Yea sure sure after lunch we will" Panda says and they go back to their class.

Ace tries to sleep during class so he can get the dream again but he cant , complied with anger and sadness he decides to concentrate in the class and listen to the teacher.

During lunch Panda comes to meet Ace , but finds him deeply thinking about something. "Yoo , Mr thinking had lunch" Asks Panda but Ace doesn't respond. Panda grabs him and shakes him and Ace comes to senses. "Oh sorry i was thinking about something , come lets duel" says Ace . "You being like that is freaking me out stop it😑". As Panda makes the statement they proceed to duel with each other.

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