Returning A Favor

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Gusion's body fell limp as the purple aura around him dissipated and slithered away making his body fall to the ground with a thud.

Lesley watched from a branch her eye narrowing in on the purple mist that came out of Gusion's body. She was looking for a way out of the forest when she saw a familiar face meditating and seconds later he was swarmed by demons.

She was about to jump in earlier had it not been for how he snapped out of his meditation. She was sure their eyes had met but only briefly before he started slaughtering the demons with ease even laughing and bantering with the head demon leading with the horde. It took her by surprise as she didn't expect him to be so ruthless. On a closer look she observed that he was...


His eyes weren't the piercing bright blue ones she had once seen instead it was a deep red with malice and bloodlust engraved into them. She remembered shivering at the sight.

Lesley shook her head to clear the thoughts swirling around in her mind as she aimed her rifle at the mist but decided against it. She couldn't just leave Gusion to the demons to devour, a demon was already hovering above him ready to crush him beneath it's foot.

She hastily adjusted her aim before pulling the trigger and jumping down as the demon collapsed. Resting her rifle on her shoulder she smirked as she got the attention of all the demons "Favor returned." She muttered.

The demons roared and started stomping over. She quickly activated her camouflage and dashed past the horde dodging and weaving in between them and firing at them when needed. She neared Gusion and slung her rifle over her shoulder so she could support his weight. As quickly as she could she wrapped his arms around her neck hoisting him onto her back and jumped. One of the demons had cracked the ground where they were previously on.

Without hesitation she ran towards the woods never stopping nor looking back lest she slip up and get the both of them killed.


Eventually she lost the horde and settled down. She leaned Gusion against a tree and started searching him.

No Heart of Anima.

It must've gotten lost during the skirmish.

She clicked her tongue and gave up opting to start a fire instead so she could get dinner going. It was getting late and she was getting peckish. She glanced over at the still unconscious Gusion and decided against going hunting before he was awake.

She sighed and sat down pulling out a handkerchief and started polishing her rifle. She hummed as she polished her prized possession never taking her eyes off it as she worked.

Gusion's eyes flickered open and the first thing he saw was a warm orange glow. He heard the cackling of the fire and a woman's voice humming. He lifted his head and blinked a few times as his vision came into focus on a familiar magenta woman.

"Les...ley?" His voice was still raspy as he had been unconscious for a while.

The woman glanced up and her lips curled into a small smile "You're awake."

"What happened?" He asked as he tried to move groggily.

She rolled her eye "You didn't think to keep yourself safe when you were doing all that did you?"

Memories of the afternoon came flooding back to Gusion. His hand quickly flew up to his neck and felt it. It didn't feel like it was burning nor did it have a dull pain he was all too familiar with "There's nothing on my neck is there?"

Lesley shook her head and raised a brow "Is there suppose to be?"

Right she didn't know about the mark.

He breathed a sigh of relief as he was finally free from that curse.

"I don't know about you but I'm hungry." Lesley spoke up as she stood tucking her handkerchief into her jacket.

"Let me come with you." Gusion offered standing up.

She shook her head and pointed to the fire "Keep that going." With that she vanished

"Still a prude." He muttered under his breath.

A small smile made its way onto his face.


A path diverged in front of the two, they halted and glanced at each other not really sure what to do.

"So this is where we part?" Gusion asked fiddling with his dagger.

Lesley nodded a sad smile formed on her face. She didn't want to admit it but he was good company. It had been so long since she had traveled with another that she had forgotten how it was like. "Yes. I guess so."

Gusion sighed as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a shard like object and holding it out to Lesley for her to take. She reached out her hand in puzzlement and accepted.

"If you ever need help this will take you to me." He stated "The next time we meet, let's not part so quickly."

Her eyes widened her lips parting in surprise before it turned upwards into a genuine smile "Let's."

A/N: AGSGADIBE I LOVE THEIR NEW COMIC 😆 I've read it like 5 times already >:3

Lesley was even blushing on one of the panels AAAAAA

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