Our Cafe

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"The usual?"

I smiled at the brunette "Yes thank you." I pulled out a 10 dollar bill to pay for my coffee and cheesecake.

"Oh no no no this one's on the house today." He winked as he pushed back my bill "Take it as a thanks for pretending to be my girlfriend in front of my ex."

I giggled "Alright if you say so."

His ex had stormed in yesterday demanding that he get back together with her. He seemed so uncomfortable so I decided to help the poor man out.


"Guinevere I said it's over!" The brunette rubbed his temples.

"Over? I never said it was over!" His ex screamed. "Please Gusion... I'm sorry I messed up! I promise I'll be better! Just give me one more chance." She begged over and over for him to reconsider

"Guinevere please leave..." He was getting more uncomfortable by the minute

I couldn't take this anymore her shrill annoying voice was getting on my nerves. I stood up from my seat and walked over toward them, stopping in front of the brunette. "Excuse me why are you bothering my boyfriend?" I was crossing my fingers hoping he would play along.

Her eyes widened "Boyfriend?!" Her eyes darted between me and the brunette. She then scanned me up and down "Your standards lowered this much after dumping me huh?" She said with a smug look on her face.

"Better than a prissy princess like you." I retorted rolling my eyes

"How dare you! You don't even have half the grace and beauty I have! How dare you call me prissy you—" she was cut off by the brunette

"Guinevere do not insult my girlfriend. If you don't leave now I'll have to call the cops." Good he was playing along.

At this she got even angrier but she simply said "I'm not giving up on you Gusion! Mark my words you'll be mine again." With that she turned to leave.

Once she left the store we both let out a sigh "Your ex is a total nutcase."

"Tell me about it..." He grimaced

I turned to go back to my seat. "Wait uh... Thank You Miss...?"


"Thank you Lesley."

I grinned "No problem."


I giggled at the memory. Her ex really made a fool of herself yesterday I thought as I sat down at my usual spot. I took out the book I was reading and started to read it while waiting for my order.

After a few minutes the brunette walked over to my table with a small tray in his hands "Here you go a large coffee with 4 sugar whip cream on top and a cheesecake."

I looked up and smiled at him "Thank you Gusion."

He then pulled out the chair in front of me and sat down. I raised an eyebrow "Don't you still have work?" I asked

"Nah I have a 15 minute break right now, my manager approved." He winked.

I giggled "All right whatever you say." I turned back to reading my book.

He was burning a hole through my book with all that staring and it was starting to get uncomfortable. I lowered my book "Is there something you need?" I questioned

"I want to get to know you more." He replied the corners of his lips curving up to a smile.

"It wouldn't hurt to just chat for bit I guess."


Gusion places down the tray containing my food and sat across from me. My heart started to beat rapidly, I had started to look forward to the small talks we had in the cafe. I use to enjoy going to this cafe because of its serenity, but now my reason had changed all because of him.

As usual we talked about how our lives were going. I asked him about his ex, was she still bothering him or anything I could do to help. "Ah I've dealt with that. She won't bother me anymore so you can stop pretending to be my girlfriend now." He smiled

"Ah that's... good." I returned the smile, a disingenuous smile. "Wait why am I sad? I only helped him out of good will."

"Hey Les are you alright?" I snapped out of my thoughts unaware that my smile had slowly turned into a frown while I had been lost in my thoughts.

"Oh yes I'm fine! I was just thinking about something." I replied quickly putting my smile back on.

"Alright but if you need anything I'll be here."

There was a moment of awkward silence and Gusion was the first to break it "Hey Les?"

"Hmm?" I hummed

He scratched the back of his head "Are you free this weekend?"

"Yes I am why?" I asked and I felt a glimmer of hope

"Well I got these tickets for the new movie coming out and I don't have anyone else to go with so would you like to come with me?" He asked glancing at my face for a response.

"Is this a date?" My heart started to beat quickly "Sure!" I answered eagerly.

The corners of his lips curved up to a smile "Great see you at 2PM!"

A/N: T^T didn't know how to end this so just made them go on a date :P

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