Blind Date

293 14 2

"So uh do I get a second date?" The guy nervously asked

I looked him dead in the eye "No."

"O-Oh I s-see! Nice meeting you then..." he walked off with gloom surrounding him.

I sighed and opened the door to my apartment. As soon as I did a head of blonde came bounding toward me.

"Soooo how'd it go?" Fanny questioned curiosity filled her emerald green eyes.

"Terrible. The guy wouldn't stop talking about his pet hamster." I replied kicking off my shoes and flopping on the couch.

"Or you just didn't give him a chance because you're still not over him." She said crossing her arms her smile now tugging into a frown.

I narrowed my eyes "I'm over HIM."

She raised a brow "Oh really?"

I nodded and we just stared at each other in total silence.

"Anyway I'm setting you up on another blind date."

"What no! You said this was the last one!" I shouted furrowing my brows

"Uh no I didn't? I said I was setting you up for dates until you got over him."

I groaned. Right she had said that. Why had I agreed? But no matter how many blind dates I went on I couldn't forget him.


"What's your favorite color?"


"What's your favorite food?"


"So there was this one time where I..."

Questions I've heard so many times before. Scenarios to make the other look better. It was boring. So dull and drab. I wanted to get out of here.

I poked at my food while fake smiling and nodding to my date talk. He had started moving his hands wildly as he was talking. He almost hit his plate a few times, it was a disaster awaiting to happen.

"Then bam! I punched him in the face." He slammed his fist on the table.

He startled a waiter that was behind me who had an open wine bottle. Unfortunately the reddish purple liquid spilled on my head.

"Oh my god miss I am so sorry!" The waiter couldn't hide the panic in his voice as he rushed to clean up the mess.

I pressed my lips together into a thin line and got up. I dug through my wallet and slammed down my part of the bill and gave a few extra for tip then turned to leave.

"W-Wait Lesley!" my date cried out.

But I just ignored him and made a beeline for the exit. Once I was out I finally exhaled. It was dark out and many people were staring at how I looked but I didn't care, I was frustrated.

Why was it so hard to find someone to move on with? "Fanny I'm going to kill you..." I muttered under my breath as I pulled out my phone.

I scrolled through my contacts to the F section and was about to press her name until I noticed his name. My finger froze and memories flood into my mind.

I bit my lip to keep the tears at bay. I don't know why I hadn't deleted his contact from my list yet. Some part of me wanted to press on it to know what he's been up to.

The truth was I had never gotten over him. I never was able to. The numerous dates Fanny has set me up on didn't help. It just made my longing for him even worse. I wiped a tear that had fallen and started walking. I didn't know where exactly my feet were taking me.

Lost in my thoughts I had unconsciously wandered to where we had first met. I chuckled bitterly as I came to my senses.

I sat down down on a bench and sighed closing my eyes and finally let my tears run rampant.


"Stupid Fanny..." I muttered letting my emotions pour out "Stupid blind date, stupid..." my voice trailed off as I found it hard to say his name.

"Gusion..." I mumbled

A familiar voice I had longed to hear broke through my thoughts.

"Yes love?"


P.O.V. Switch Gusion

It's been years since I'd been here. Everything looked the same.

"Still as empty as ever..."

I walked around for a while reminiscing the memories I had with her in this very park.

The more I thought about her the more I regretted breaking up with her and choosing my job over her.

I'm a fool to ever think this was a good idea.

"Stupid..." I snapped my head up as I heard a familiar voice.

A voice that had once called my name with affection. A voice that would always soothe me to sleep at night.

I whipped my head around searching for where the voice came from. It wasn't hard as I could hear quiet sobs and sniffles.

I started walking toward the source of sound and as I drew nearer I saw a head of magenta.

My heart skipped a beat as my eyes landed on her. My body moved on its own getting closer to her with each step.

My hand reached out to pat her on he head and tell her everything was ok. But I hesitated.

Did she even need me?

"Stupid Fanny..." she sobbed "Stupid blind date, stupid..."

Blind date? I pulled my hand back as my heart sank. She was over me and was actively trying to forget.

"Gusion..." she whispered softly just as I was about to walk away.

Before I could even stop myself I replied.

"Yes love?"

A/N: Should I do a part 2 for this one? 🤔 I actually had a alternative scenario for this one too 😂

I'm sorry for not posting as much recently 😖. Something's up with Wattpad I tried to finish up 3 chapters that I've been meaning to finish but there's just a red exclamation mark next to them :/

Other than that I have like 12 other drafts I need to finish TwT
Ah yes the beauty of writing Oneshots.

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