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Kelsey stood next to Kenny in the new Cobra Kai dojo as Terry introduced the new senseis. Robby had left Cobra Kai and went to Mexico with Johnny to find Miguel after he ran away. "When I look around today, I see the future. Now, it's no secret our past has been flawed. Sensei Kreese fell victim to his demons." Terry started off. Speaking of Kreese, he had gone to jail because he brutally assaulted Stingray. "But John Kreese is not Cobra Kai. We are. We've already shown that we're champions." Terry looked over at Kelsey and smiled at her with a proud look in his eyes.

"But that championship is merely a springboard to new heights. That's why I've brought some of the finest senseis in the Valley. Consider this their job interview." The door opened and Tory walked in. "Let's all give it up. Champ is in the house." Terry said. Everyone clapped. Tory bowed and took her spot next to Kelsey. "She's allowed to be a little late. Today." Terry said with a laugh. Kenny leaned around Kelsey. "When are you gonna bring your trophy in?" He asked. "Not today." Tory responded. "Alright, warm up. The senseis will instruct you. Let's see what they know."

Everyone broke off into their own groups. One sensei came up to Tory and Kelsey. "So, you are champion, eh?" He asked Tory. Tory nodded. "Yeah, I guess." She said. "Good. Then I will not go easy on you." The sensei responded. 


The new sensei, Sensei Joe, held a kick shield as Tory practiced. He scoffed. "You are better than this." He said. "How would you know?" Tory asked. "You've never seen me fight." "It is obvious. You are troubled. Maybe you do not want to train anymore now that you are champion, huh?" Sensei Joe said. "I don't just fight for a trophy. I wanna be strong, to defend what's mine." Sensei Joe nodded. "Good reasons." "What about you? Why be a sensei?" Tory questioned.

"Honor." Tory raised an eyebrow. "That's it?" "That is everything. I thought I had lost my honor. Eventually, I understood. No one can take honor from you. Only you can take honor from yourself." Sensei Joe explained. "How's it going over here, Sensei..." Terry trailed off. "Jokichi Tatsuya. Everyone calls me Joe." Sensei Joe said with a bow. "Sensei Joe. What are you working on with our champion and my granddaughter?" Terry asked. Sensei Joe's eyes flicked over to Kelsey for a second before he turned back to Terry.

"First train mind. Then train body." Sensei Joe said. "Don't let me interrupt." Terry said and stepped back. Sensei Joe turned back to Tory. "If you want to break free of troubles, you must face them directly. Now, focus. Center. Breathe." Sensei Joe held up the kick shield. "Attack! Yes!" Tory kicked the shield. "Nice work, Nichols." Terry said. Sensei Joe dropped the shield. "Now, like this." He turned to the training dummy and started attacking it.

"You know Tang Soo Do?" Terry asked him. Sensei Joe nodded. "Where are you from exactly, Sensei Joe?" Terry asked. "Kyoto." Sensei Joe responded. "Ah, beautiful. I've always loved the Fushimi Inari Shrine." Sensei Joe scoffed. "Too many tourists. Nanzen Ji Temple, much better for your next visit." Terry nodded before walking away.


Kelsey sat with Tory as they waited for Terry to finish talking to Sensei Joe. "I need to talk to you." Tory said. "Nichols, what's on your mind?" He asked. "Excited to take things to the next level?" "What's the point? You'll just pay to make me champion again." Tory said and Kelsey's eyes snapped to her grandfather. "So you know about the ref?" Terry asked. "Wait, what ref?" Kelsey asked. "Have you told anyone else?" Terry asked. "Not yet. So, you don't deny it?"

"Not at all." Terry responded. "I paid him off to make sure Cobra Kai won." Kelsey gasped. "It was an insurance policy. You still won the fight." "Did I?" Tory questioned. "Of course you did. You're the champion. I know it. Kelsey knows it. LaRusso knows it. The whole Valley knows it. If you don't believe it, then you're the only person who doesn't." Terry said. "So what am I supposed to do now? Just go back to normal? Act like nothing happened?" Tory asked.

"Listen, I'm not Sensei Kreese. I don't have the connection you two had. I never had to scrape and claw my whole life, like you. But what I do know is how to use every advantage to ensure victory." Terry said. "You mean cheating?" Tory asked. Kelsey didn't know what to think of this. "The tournament was a matter of Cobra Kai's survival. If a person steals food to survive, are they cheating? Or are they doing what must be done? I want you to be here. And I want you to be you. If you choose to leave, I won't hold it against you. But if you come back tomorrow, I will make you the future of this dojo. The decision is yours."

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