iv. miyagi do

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"Thanks, Walsh

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"Thanks, Walsh." Kelsey said as she got out of the car juvenile center. "No problem, kid." Walsh said and drove off. Kelsey had already called ahead and told them that she was coming, but she had to have an adult drop her off. An officer was already waiting for her by the door. She walked in, signed the paperwork, and then the officer led her to the visiting room. "Mr Keene, you have another visitor." The officer said, bringing Kelsey in.

"Hey." Robby said, brightening up when he saw her. "Told you I would be back, didn't I?" She said, sitting down. "Oh, hey, Sensei." She said, now noticing the older man next to her. "Ms Georgeson." Kreese greeted her as Robby reached across the table and grabbed her hand. He turned back to Kreese. "Anyways, cool story. Try telling it to someone who gives a shit." He said. Kreese chuckled. "You're his son, alright."

"Yeah, and look where that got me." Robby said. "Come on, kid. You know you don't deserve to be here. From what I heard, you tried to break up that fight and... Diaz attacked you." Kreese said. "Sensei, you're missing a couple details. Miguel thought Robby was attacking me." Kelsey told Kreese. "Which I would never do." Robby added. Kreese's eyes drifted down to their hands. They still hadn't let go of each other. Kreese nodded. "Of course." He said. "But, you can keep beating yourself up for what went down. But by the look of your face, there's plenty of people here happy to do that for you." Kreese continued.

Robby sighed. "You're wasting your time, old man." He said. "The last thing I need is another sensei." "Fair enough." Kreese said and stood up. "I don't think there's much I could teach you right now anyway. Except maybe this, all that Miyagi Do mumbo jumbo, that might score you points in a tournament. But now you're in the real world, kid, you might wanna learn to strike first." Kreese said and left. Robby turned to look at Kelsey after Kreese was gone. "Don't say it." Kelsey gave him a look. "What? I wasn't gonna say anything."



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Kelsey chased after Hawk as he ran through the Golf N Stuff arcade section. Assface and a few others chased after them. Hawk grabbed a kid's basketball, throwing it away from him and then they kept running. He grabbed a girl's tickets from the game machine as he ran by, and then they ran into the prizes area. "Hey, buddy." Hawk said to Douchebag as he slammed the tickets on the counter. "Hey, prize wench." Assface said to his former best friend.

"What do you guys want?" Douchebag asked. "Well, to spend our hard earned tickets, of course." Hawk responded. "Which one do you want?" He asked Kelsey. "Hmm." She thought about it for a second. "That one." She said, pointing to the walrus stuffed animal on the wall. "And, why don't you be a good girl and grab us one of those bobbleheads while you're at it?" Hawk added. As Douchebag turned away, Hawk hopped over the counter and started grabbing everything, throwing it back to Kelsey and the others.

As they ran out, Assface called out. "Thanks, Chris. Tell your mom I miss her." "Yeah, tell her to stop calling me." Hawk added. They laughed as they ran out. "What are you gonna name him?" Hawk asked, gesturing to the walrus in Kelsey's arms. "Barry." Kelsey responded, saying the first name that she thought of. "Barry the Walrus." Hawk said. "Oh, I got you these too." He said, pulling out a hawk and a unicorn. "I'm gonna get my mom to sew them together." He continued, placing the hawk on the unicorn's back.

"Is that meant to represent me and you?" Kelsey questioned. "Um, maybe." Hawk said. Kelsey laughed. "I love it. Thank you." She said. "Hey, is Tory coming?" Hawk asked. "Yeah, she ended up having to pick up an extra shift, so she's gonna be late. But she is coming." Kelsey explained. Hawk nodded. "And did you see loverboy today?" He asked. "Oh my God. Shut up." Kelsey said, pushing him. "Oh, you're gonna pay for that, Georgeson." He yelled out, running after her as she sprinting away.


Hawk placed a cat stuffed animal on one of the arcade machines, and then did a spinning flying hook kick, sending it across the room. "Brew time, man." Assface said as he opened up his backpack. "Who's for a warm one?" He asked, pulling out a can. "Who the hell wants a warm beer?" Hawk asked. "You didn't bring an ice pack?" "What the hell were you thinking?" They all asked as they pushed him away.

The lights suddenly shut off. In walked Sam, Demetri, and the rest of the Miyagi Do students. Hawk scoffed. "What do you want?" He asked. "Payback." Sam answered. She pushed Assface before turning around and attacking some of the other Cobra Kais. Hawk got in there and she kicked him back. Kelsey moved to the side and quickly pulled out her phone, seeing a text from Tory saying she was almost there. Kelsey called her. Tory picked up after the first ring. "Hey-" "Hurry up and get your ass over here. Miyagi Do crashed the party." Kelsey said and hung up.

She ran into the fight and started helping Hawk. "Aim for the legs, ribs, and face." She said. "As my grandfather always says, if a man can't stand, breathe, or see, he can't fight." "Is that the rich one?" Hawk asked. Kelsey nodded. "Sam LaRusso... Where are you, bitch?" Tory's voice rang throughout the arcade. Hawk and Kelsey both found Demetri. Hawk kicked him back. "Show yourself, LaRusso." Tory called out. Kelsey circled around, running and wrapping her legs around Demetri's waist, swinging him to the ground. Before he could get up, Hawk pinned him, putting his arm behind his back.

He started straining it. "No! Please, stop! Eli, stop! Stop!" Demetri pleaded. "It's me! Don't do it! No! Help me!" "Do it." Tory said. Kelsey didn't even notice the rest of Cobra Kai come up behind them. "Finish him." Everyone started telling him to do it. "Hawk, finish him." Tory said. Hawk grunted and popped Demetri's arm, breaking it. Demetri started screaming on the ground. "Pussy." Tory commented.

"This isn't over, LaRusso." She called out as she left with the rest of Cobra Kai, besides Hawk and Kelsey. Demetri laid on the ground screaming. "Let's go." Kelsey whispered. Her and Hawk turned around to leave. Kelsey grabbed Barry, and the other stuffed animals Hawk had given her, and they both left.

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