viii. glory of love

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"Okay, what about Friday?" Kelsey asked Tory. "Can't. I'm working at the roller rink." Tory responded. They were trying to plan a date, but their schedules didn't seem to fit. Kelsey had an idea. "Let's turn it into a date night." She offered. Tory chuckled. "Candlelit dinner at the snack bar on my break?" "Look, there's nothing more romantic than free hot dogs and chicken nuggets." Kelsey said. "Free? Not for you. You gotta pay up." Tory joked. 

"I'll splurge." Kelsey responded. "Alright, but you gotta wear a costume. It's 80s night." Tory told her. "Are you kidding? I love the 80s. I think I already have an idea." Kelsey said. "Well, I wanna be surprised, so don't tell me." Tory said. "Oh, I won't, but I think you'll like it." "Hmm, I think you'll like mine even more." Tory said, leaning over and kissing her. "Now, you wanna tell me where you were last night?" She asked. Kelsey sighed.

"Hawk took the Medal of Honor from the Miyagi Do dojo. I was returning it." Kelsey told her. Tory nodded. "There's something else, isn't there?" "Robby and Sam are together. Miguel and I saw them." "That bitch." Tory exclaimed. "Are you okay, though?" Kelsey shrugged. "Kels, do you still like him?" Tory asked. Kelsey nodded, looking anywhere but Tory. "I already knew, but that's okay. I knew going into this that I wasn't gonna be the only one, and I'm fine with that." Tory explained, grabbing Kelsey's hand and intertwining their fingers.

"Everybody, fall in." Johnny said as he walked out of the office. Everybody lined up. "Today, we'll be learning one of the most important lessons a Cobra Kai could ever know." "Where's Sensei Kreese?" Hawk asked what they were all thinking. "Yeah. Shouldn't we wait for the sensei emeritus before we get going?" Stingray asked. Johnny glared at him. Stingray exhaled sharply. "Or not." "Mr Kreese will no longer be joining us." Johnny told them.

"What the hell?" Kelsey whispered to Tory. "I made a promise when I became your sensei. To always look out for your best interests. Despite how hard this may be for all of us, he didn't have our best interests at heart. John Kreese may have founded Cobra Kai, but he no longer represents what this dojo stands for. His Cobra Kai was old and outdated. He refused to move forward. What happens when we do that, Mr Diaz?" Johnny explained.

"You get stuck like cement." Miguel responded. "Exactly. To be a great fighter, you gotta learn to adapt. This creed on the wall... Follow it to the letter, it'll make you strong. It'll make you formidable. It will also make you an asshole." Johnny turned to the class. "Cause that's just black paint on a white wall. But life's not black and white. More often than not, it's gray. And it's in those gray areas where Johnny Lawrence's Cobra Kai... sometimes shows mercy." Kelsey stared ahead with an unreadable expression on her face.

"Doesn't mean you can't be badass. It's still a requirement. But you have to learn to think, not just with your gut, or your fists, but to really use this." Johnny said, pointing to his head. "Which leads me to today's lesson..." He grabbed a board and broke it with his head. "Headbutting." Everyone laughed, excitedly. "Grab a partner." Kelsey grabbed onto Tory.



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Kelsey walked over to Tory, not even noticing who was in front of her. "Hey, babe." She said, kissing her on the lips. Tory grabbed the side of Kelsey's face and deepened the kiss. Kelsey was the first to pull away. She looked Tory up and down. "You look amazing." She said. "So do you." "What time do you go on break? I want to time it out so the fries are extra crispy." Kelsey continued, still not noticing who they were in front of.

Tory cleared her throat and jerked her head to the side. Kelsey turned and saw Robby and Sam standing there awkwardly. "Oh, hey, I didn't recognize you guys. I like the costumes." She said. "Thanks." Sam said. "I should let you get back to work." Kelsey said to Tory. "Alright, see you later, babe." Tory said, grabbing Kelsey's face and kissing her deeply once again.


Kelsey skated off the rink once she saw Sam knock Tory down while she was carrying a plate of food. "What the hell, Sam?" She exclaimed. "What? Me? I... She's the one-" Sam stuttered. Tory's manager came over. "Are you okay, Tory?" He asked as Kelsey helped her up. "Thanks." Tory whispered. Her manager turned to Robby and Sam. "Alright, you're done. You're out." He said to them. "She's the one who started it." Robby yelled. "You're out!" Tory's manager repeated. Robby and Sam turned around and walked away, with Sam glaring at Tory before she left.

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