iv. counterbalance

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Kelsey approached the Cobra Kai dojo and saw a familiar figure standing outside

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Kelsey approached the Cobra Kai dojo and saw a familiar figure standing outside. "Oh, hey Aisha. Are you joining Cobra Kai?" She asked. "Oh, hey Kelsey. Yeah. I'm just too nervous to go in." Aisha responded. "Let's go in together." Kelsey said and opened the door. "No yoga till five." The blonde man said as they walked in. "No matter how bad you need it." "Hey Miguel. I took your advice, I'm here to join Cobra Kai." Kelsey said.

"Kelsey! I think you're really gonna like it here." Miguel responded. "Um, we're here for karate." Aisha said nervously. "I saw your website. It said that there was supposed to be a session today." She explained. "I appreciate you both coming in, but there are no girls in Cobra Kai." The blonde man said. Kelsey scoffed. "That's sexist." "Why not?" Aisha asked. "Same reason there ain't women in the Army. Doesn't make sense."

"Uh, Sensei, I need to show you something in the office." Miguel said and they both left the room. Kelsey and Aisha looked around a bit before Kelsey's phone went off. It was Robby. They were kind of seeing each other, but they weren't official yet. "Is that your boyfriend? What's his name again? Rick?" Aisha asked. Kelsey chuckled. "His name is Robby. And no, he's not my boyfriend." Kelsey responded.

"Not yet." Aisha added. Kelsey sighed. "I want him to be, but he doesn't know about my parents, or me being not monogamous. If he can't accept that, then that's a deal breaker." Kelsey explained. Aisha nodded. Miguel and the blonde man soon came out of the office. "Okay, take off your shoes. Hop on the mat." The blonde man said and they both took off their shoes. "Okay, after further review, I've decided to allow female students. But if you wanna be in Cobra Kai, you can't act like a girl."

"What do you mean? How do girls act?" Aisha voiced what they were both thinking. "Don't give me that. You know, all emotional, loud, complainy. Never letting you finish a sentence." "Well, I know a few guys who act just-" Kelsey started but was interrupted. "Quiet!" The blonde man said and then looked at Aisha. "My student tells me you've been harassed at school." "Yeah. Mostly online. Um, I get mean texts and emails sent to me. Makes me not wanna go."

"And who sends you these messages?" "Well, they're mostly anonymous. These kids create fake accounts, and they tell me things like I'm ugly and that I should kill myself." Aisha continued. "Oh my God. What a bunch of pussies." Kelsey gave him a weird look. "Back in my day, if you wanted to tease someone, you did it to their face. There was honor, respect. These geeks hiding behind their computers, what a bunch of spineless losers. You're not afraid of these losers, are you?"

"No." "You gonna take shit from these losers?" "No." "Good, because when I'm done with you, you're gonna be sending a message back. Only it's not gonna be with your keyboard. It's gonna be with your fists."


Kelsey sat on the mats next to her new sensei, Johnny, as Miguel and Aisha faced off in the middle of the dojo

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Kelsey sat on the mats next to her new sensei, Johnny, as Miguel and Aisha faced off in the middle of the dojo. "Okay, let's see what you got, Ms Robinson. Face me. Bow. Face each other. Bow. Mr Diaz, show her everything you've learned." Johnny said. "Wait, wait. I don't think this is right, Sensei." Miguel hesitated. "You don't think what's right?" "She's a girl. I'm not gonna..." "And? I thought you said women were equal to men."

"I did say that. I didn't mean it like that. I meant-" "Then show her women are equal, and give her everything you got." "Wait. I just wanna remind everyone this is my first day." Aisha told them. "Your enemies don't care what day it is. They prey on weakness. If you wanna beat them, you gotta conquer your fears and jump face first into the fire. Are you ready, Ms Robinson?" Johnny asked. "I guess." Aisha responded.

"Mr Diaz." "Uh..." Miguel stuttered. "Fight!" They didn't do anything. "Don't just stand there. Fight!" "I'm sorry." Miguel said before he kicked Aisha in the stomach, sending her tumbling to the ground. "Oh my God! Aisha, are you okay? I'm so sorry. Come on." Miguel said, and Aisha body slammed him to the ground. Then she jumped on his chest, making Miguel groan in pain. "Girl's a natural cobra." They all turned when they heard yelling coming from outside. "Alright. Students, wait here. Diaz, you're in charge." Aisha and Kelsey went over and helped Miguel up.


Johnny soon came back into the dojo. "Alright, Georgeson, you're up." He said and Kelsey stood up. Ready to face Miguel. "And... Fight!" Johnny said. Miguel threw a bunch at Kelsey, but she grabbed his wrist, twisted it, then twisted her body and flipped him over her back, sending him to the ground where she punched his stomach. Miguel, Aisha, and Johnny all stared at her in shock.

"How'd you do that?" Johnny asked. Kelsey shrugged and helped Miguel up. "I took a few lessons when I lived in Canada. And my grandfather taught me a bit." She told them. "I thought Canadians were supposed to be nice." Johnny said, confused. "That's a stereotype." Kelsey responded. "No, a stereotype is what stereo system you have in your car. I've got an old system and you probably got that BlueMouth thing." Johnny said. "It's called a BlueTooth." Kelsey said. "Eh, whatever." Kelsey looked over to Miguel in confusion, but he just shrugged his shoulders.


Kelsey walked into the cafeteria with Miguel, Demetri, and Eli when they noticed Samantha LaRusso throw a tray to the ground

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Kelsey walked into the cafeteria with Miguel, Demetri, and Eli when they noticed Samantha LaRusso throw a tray to the ground. "Hey, guys. You know that billboard with a big ass dick on it? I guess Sam takes after her dad." Kyler shouted out. "Hey, Kyler." Miguel shouted, placing his tray on the table. "Why don't you shut the hell up and stop being such an asshole?" "Want another beat down, Rhea?" Kyler said and pushed Miguel. "I'm ready for your lame ass karate this time." Kyler said and pushed him again.

"It's not lame ass karate." Kyler went to punch Miguel but he blocked it and twisted his wrist. "It's Cobra Kai." Miguel said and punched Kyler in the face. Kyler grabbed Miguel and body slammed him onto the table, and then threw him into another one. He put Miguel into a headlock but Miguel elbowed him and then punched and kicked him to the ground. "No mercy!" Aisha shouted out the dojo's catchphrase.

Kyler's friends went after Miguel but he took them all down. Everyone pulled out their phones and started recording. Miguel used a lunch tray to smack the boys around. Everyone clapped when he was the only one left standing. They stopped when the guidance counsellor came in. "Hey! Get down from there right now." But they continued clapping even as the guidance counsellor dragged him away.


Kelsey walked around the back of the Cobra Kai building to see a familiar figure standing at the corner of the wall. "Robby?" She asked and he turned around. "What are you doing here?" "I came to see my dad, but he looks a little preoccupied." He said, sadly. Kelsey peered around him. "My sensei's your dad?" She questioned. Robby froze. "You're in Cobra Kai?" Kelsey nodded. Robby looked at her for a second before walking away. "Robby? What the hell?" She yelled after him as he walked off.

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