
'System, let me see the task bar.'

[Main tasks:

Avoid the untimely death of Zhou Ya - 300 points (✅)

Avoid the untimely death of the Imperial Duke - 300 points(✅)

Avoid the fall of the Zhou family - 400 points(✅)

Change the crown prince - 500 points

Dont let Zhou Ya and Bai Daiyu become friends - 550 points(✅)

Find out Zhou Ya's secrets - 600 points(✅)

Side tasks:
Change Zhou Ya's life partner - 150 points

Live a happy and fulfilled life - 150 points

Hidden tasks:
Unknown(Can only be open once something is triggered)]

'What about the hidden tasks? How come I still did not trigger it?'

[Host, it is not necessarily that there are hidden tasks in every world we go to.]

'Oh. Then what's it doing there?'

[Err... a display..? He, hehe...] The system awkwardly laugh.

.....Zhou Shan changed the topic.

'How is he doing now?'

The system internally rolled its eyes at its' host.

[Currently talking and planning about their moves tomorrow night. They're also in their guard against the ears of the crown prince.]

'Did he ate his lunch?'

Just as the system opened its cute mouth and about to talk, Zhou Shan immediately added.

'Ah, forget it. I'll ask him later.'

The system hmph'ed in response.

'System, have you found something from what I've told you to investigate?'

[Sorry, Host. The higher ups really do shut their mouths tightly.] System felt down.

'It's okay. No need to feel down.' This was his expected response. Still, he felt a little down. Though, he perviously said that he'll wait, he really is impatient. Something's whispering deep inside him.

[However, Host!!! Xine told me something. She said that Host is special. Not like other hosts.]

Zhou Shan held hope for a moment.

[Also, does Host remember the thread of fate that you bought ?]

'Mn. What about it?'

[Xine told me that whether you bought it or not.............a certain soul will still follow you in every world. ]

Zhou Shan:' mean--'

[Yes, Host!] System replied, not letting its host finished his words.

Zhou Shan:'.....--I wasted my points in buying that item..'

System: [......Y-yes? E-ehhh?!]

Does that really held too much importance to you, Host!!? System internally thought.

Revenge System To Hubby Tracker SystemWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt