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Clarke's POV-

We had been on the ground for 4 months and already we had burned hundreds of enemy fighters in a battle fighting for our lives. Again. We had also learned of the vast armies and cities that had already existed on earth upon our arrival, we called them grounders. In my opinion they were savages who only knew war.

My blond hair trailed lengthily down my shoulders and back, and my worn-down clothes sat unimpressively on my broken body. I was so tired of fighting, but that would all change today.

In the months since we had landed, I had been put in charge of leading what was left of the 100, and have met with a grounder leader, named Anya. She was young but wise beyond her years and acted with purpose no matter what the situation was, even upon death. She had also spoken of their Commander, which they called their Heda, whom I'm finally meeting today to discuss peace.

It was quiet outside other than the soft grumble of grounder gossip and harsh footing as I stood patiently outside of their Commanders tent. I had heard from Anya that the commander was ruthless and strong, and the best warrior of them all. I didn't expect this to go over super easily, given that blood was shed on both sides of our war.


Peace would be a stretch in the eyes of their subjects, but not in Clarke's eyes. For her, it was the only way to survive.

In a rush, several warriors exited the commander's tent, one approaching Clarke. He was large and wore his dark hair long and had a braided beard.

"If you so much as look at her the wrong way I will slit your throat." [Gustus] He warned, moving to the side so Clarke could enter.

Immediately, there were multiple eyes on her, including Indra whom she had recognized from what Anya had told her, as predicted she stood to the left of the throne. Clarke continued forward.

The walk to the end of the carpet was tedious and long. It was isolating having burning eyes drilled into Clarke's skin, but she held her head high and continued to the end of the room, stopping in front of the Commander.

"You're the one who burned 300 of my warriors alive." Said the commander, not yet looking up at Clarke.

She was tracing the sides of a carved dagger with her long fingers as if it were a toy. Sitting regally on a throne made of large, pointed branches, her dark hair draped in layered braids over her shoulders. She was not at all what Clarke had expected. She was young, Clarke's age, and beautiful- obvious even through her harsh warpaint.

"You're the one who sent them there to kill us." Clarke retorted confidently. The commander was now glaring at her.

The first thing Clarke noticed was the Commander's piercing green eyes, narrowed with rage and annoyance.

"Do you have a question for me, Clarke of the Sky People?" The commander inquired, referring to the purpose of their meeting.

"I've come to make you an offer." Clarke says.

"This is not a negotiation. And I don't trust you." Spits the commander rudely.

"Tai guy fragemo disson a odan" [Let me kill her and get this over with] The one called Indra whispers to the Commander.

A single hand gesture in response silences Indra.

"I've come to discuss having peace. Anya and I were working towards it." Said Clarke

"What do you know of Anya?" Indra spat.

Maintaining eye contact with the Commander Clarke replies, "I know you were her second. She was so brave, and she'd want you to have this." Clarke began to move her hand to her pocket.

Gustus and Indra moved to pull their weapons, unaware of what Clarke was taking out of her jacket.

Slowly, Clarke removes a lock of braided hair that was once Anya's and hands it to the Commander, remembering that it was a tradition for warriors to braid their mentor's hair into their own after death.

The Commander took the lock of hair and carefully inspected it. Her eyes softened.

"We don't know its hers!" Indra exclaims

"Shoph off Indra" [Shut up Indra] the Commander orders.

"She was my mentor, before I was called to lead my people." The commander states solemnly. She turns to gently place the lock of hair on a table to her side and while turned asks,

"Did she die well?" Curiosity and sadness hint in her voice, although almost unidentifiable under her guard.

"Yes, by my side. Trying to get a message to you."

"What message?"

"The only way to save both our people is to join together."

"I'm still waiting on an offer Clarke." The commander says, utterly dismissing Clarke's statement.

"We can help you!" Clarke remarks in an attempt to turn the conversation positive.

"How could you possibly help us, sky girl?" Indra demands.

Clarkes eyes shift to Indra's, but she can still feel the Commanders void stare on her face.

"We have electricity, technology, and guns and we'd be willing to exchange if you agree to have peace."

"I have a better idea. Deliver me the one you call Finn. Our truce begins with his death." The commander responds sternly.

"Finn?" Clarke asks shocked.

"In our culture blood must have blood. Your people owe us his life for the innocent lives he took in TonDC." She argues.

Stunned, Clarke is at a loss for words.

"Finn will be delivered to our gates by sundown, and only then can we discuss peace." The commander states, bringing their debate to an end.

Still at a loss for what has happened, Clarke exits the Commanders tent and turns to re-enter Arkadia- a fair distance from the organized grounder camp filled with thousands of warriors.

I Thought Love was Weakness?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon