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Jenallie's P.O.V.

Everyone was down stairs except for Niall and I. Niall was in his room and I was alone in Zayn and I's room. I was on Twitter. I read some nice comments from some of the Directioners and I followed Kayla as she gave me her username today.

I followed her and then someone knocked on my door.

"Come in!" I said as I logged off my Twitter and shut down my laptop.

"Jen, I-I kissed Kayla." he said.

Niall's P.O.V.

I had to tell someone. Someone I trusted. Jen. I got up from my bed, shut off my TV, and walked across the hall to the room she shared with Zayn. I knocked softly but she probably heard.

"Come in!" She said.

As I walked in she was just closing her laptop.

"Jen, I-I kissed Kayla." I said hesitantly.

"YOU WHAT!?" She exclaimed.

"It was by accident." I said.

"But she has a boyfriend.!"

She had a point. It was just a moment thing. I think I had feelings for her.

"Please don't say anything but I think I have feelings for her." I said softly looking away.

"I wont say anything but please be careful. I don't want her hurt. She promised me not to tell anyone but I know why she's shy and stuff."

"Ok, Jen. I will but I don't think it's like a major crush. Just a little bit. Don't tell the other lads please." I said earning her trust.

"Ok, good luck."

"Thanks." I said and walked out the door.


In the morning....

Kayla's P.O.V.

I woke up and was in Harry's lap. He started to stir in his sleep and he finally blinked a few times adjusting to the light.

"Good morning beautiful." He said in his morning voice.

"Good morning. You want to make some pancakes with me?" I asked Harry getting up from the couch we fell asleep on.

"Sure." He said.

This was going to be interesting.


There is more drama in the next chapter!! I'm gonna upload like two or three more chapters today! ;)


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