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It was so hard to stop what we were doing but my phone wouldn't stop buzzing. I knew without looking that it was my mother. I'm glad we already finished once but I just couldn't keep fooling around with my man, knowing that my mother will be invading my every thought. She was so anxious about her wedding, and what she said to be a simple dinner would probably change into a wedding planning session in no time. I just had to brace myself.

"What's on your mind?" Anthony asks me from the driver's seat as we cruise through the city in his Mustang.

I'm glad Benjamin is already at my mother's because there's something that has been bothering me and I needed to talk about it without the distraction of my kid or my bedroom.

"You do realize we're driving straight into a wedding trap right now?" I ask him with a grin.

I wish one day sooner rather than later we get to plan our own wedding, but I'm afraid to talk about this. He's just gotten used to Benjamin and having us around and I wouldn't want to scare him off with wedding talk. Also, I'm not sure I want to be married yet. So, this is my way of testing his thoughts on the matter. Maybe if he's ready I'll be ready too.

"Yeah," he replies with a grin, "Dibs on entertaining Benjamin."

"Dammit, I didn't even think of it," I reply equally mischievously.

"Babe, I can see something's bothering you," he pushes again, "Tell me, what is blocking that beautiful mind of yours?"

"You read me so easily," I mutter.

"No, I really don't," he says, "But I've learned by watching you carefully that you don't talk much or when you do you say the most random things when something is bothering you. So spill it."

"Fine. I'm thinking about the record deal that guy offered us," I blurt out. Every time I brought up the topic so far, somehow Anthony managed to change the subject or lure me into bed with him. But this time I decide to stand my ground. I need to know what he thinks about all this.

"What about it?" His question is clipped, and his tone is suddenly serious. I can see his demeanor has changed instantly. Why doesn't he want to talk about this? What is it about this offered record deal that makes him act this way?

"Well, I just think it's an amazing opportunity for you. When we had that meeting with the guy, Michael Debuet, was it? Anyway, he was thrilled about the offered deal and was really eager to sign it. I just never understood your decision to push it back. I mean the numbers on the paper were impressive!" I can't hide my enthusiasm.

We were offered separate record deals at that meeting, but I got a peek at his numbers and let's just say I would have to work three times as hard as a singer to make that much money. And I understand that, because Anthony is an amazing rapper, and his voice should be heard everywhere. I, on the other hand, am a good singer but there are thousands of plain good singers in our state alone. He is the one who has the X-factor. I told the record label I would think about it, but my decision was already made. If Anthony says no, so will I.

"There were other things that bothered me more on that paper," he says, his answer very final. He doesn't want to elaborate but I'm not backing down. Not now when I already opened that can of worms.

"Like what?"

"It doesn't matter, it's not happening." He shoots me a look, clearly a warning to shut up.

"You do know that we're already going viral? Someone filmed us at the karaoke joint and put it up online. We're somewhat famous even without the record deal. You should see the number of views. I'm really proud of us." I'm rambling and my thoughts are all over the place. I don't understand his reluctance to talk to me about this. And honestly, I'm a little bit intimidated by him right now.

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