The Morning Before Halloween

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    It was the morning before Halloween. I woke up from a deep sleep to my alarm clock going off. I shut my alarm clock off, feeling tired from having to get up early. I still had to go to work even  though it was Halloween night because we were short staffed. Pushing the covers off my body I walk over to the bathroom to take a shower. While getting ready for work I can't stop thinking about Michael. Grabbing my car keys and jacket I step out the door breathing in the fresh air. I head over to my car and start it and drive off to my job at the mental health facility where Michael was being held.

    I arrived at work and stepped out of my car. Walking up to the building I felt excited getting to see him again. I've been his nurse for 10 months. Through all that time, it was hard not to form a bond with him. But I could never tell his emotions. That was because he never talked and always stared through the window in the corner of his small room. I always try to make my presence feel non threating. I wanted Michael to know I wasn't going to hurt him and I wanted him to feel safe around me.

    The heavy wind whipped my H/l hair, making it messy as I used my hand to open the door to my work.

  "Morning "Y/n", how are you doing this morning?

   My boss said smiling, waving over to me.

   I waved back and replied with, "I'm doing great, just feeling a little tired but it won't effect my work in any way."

   After putting my jacket on the coat rack, I head to the bathroom to fix my hair before meeting with Michael. I always made sure I looked somewhat decent. I finished up in the bathroom and walked through the halls to Michael's room. The halls were very noisy from the other inmates making crazy noises from inside their rooms. The hallways were narrow, with different corridors leading to different sections of the mental hospital. Each mental patient had a small room about the size of a prison cell but a little bit bigger. You needed special access to enter one of the patients' rooms unless you had a keycard like me.

   The only reason I got my keycard was because I applied for a position to help with the mental patients and they were still short-staffed as they are now. I wasn't even qualified to work here, but I still got the job. I worked with various patients until I got assigned to Michael. My cousin Laurie Strode was fuming with anger when she found out her very own cousin was helping Michael Myers. I told her she didn't have to worry that I would never let him hurt me. Of course, she didn't believe me. She still bickers to me about it to this day.

   I got to Michael's room and opened the door with my keycard and my clipboard in my other hand. Walking inside his room, I shut his door, hearing the lock click. Michael was sitting in his chair staring out the window. I never knew why he did this. I walked over to him.

   "Hi, Michael its just me "Y/n".

   He hasn't even looked at me this whole time. I always felt an ominous presence while I was in here with him. Now any person would say it was hard to read a person that showed no emotions, and they are right, because I could never read Michael he always had this blank look on his face like he was deep in thought all the time. I placed my clipboard down with notes I take on him on his bed. I walk closer to him enough to were I can reach him. I Placed my hand on his shoulder.

   Before I can even react, Michael had his hand on my throat lifting me up pushing me against the wall choking me. I grab at his hands trying to get him off of me. While gasping for air trying to breathe I look him dead in his one good eye. He looked liked he wanted to kill me.

  "Michael.... Michael please stop, I can't breathe."

   He squeezed harder. I teared up while sobbing. Michael never ever did this before, he usually just sat in the corner in his chair the whole time, while I visited. He never physically tried to harm me before. I felt Michael loosening his grip around my throat. I tired to pry his large hands off of me. He finally removed his hand from around my throat and I could hear his heavy breathing. Michael had one hand above my head while looking down at the tiles of his room.

   I wiped my tears from my eyes and caught my breath. I reached my hands around Michael and hugged him. Strangely, he hugged me back, digging his head into my neck. Now he was a big guy, he literally started crushing me from the hug.

  "Ok, big guy I forgive you. You can stop crushing me now." I said while swatting at his back. He let go and looked at me. He took his hand bring it up to my face and started to caress my cheek. I felt butterflies in my stomach. Michael never gave me any sort of affection. I was the one always touching him. As soon as he started, he took his hand away and went back in his chair in the corner and sat down.

Michael Myers x  Female ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora