thirty | take notice

Start from the beginning

"What? Stevie why what happened?" Ari asked resting his elbow's on the table, as he tucked his balled fist's under his chin.

"It was nothing, welp, I'm ready to go," Stevie sat her glass down on the table.

"Okay we can get the bill,"

"No, you guys can stay, you guys haven't even finished your food or even got dessert yet, Myles. Look I got thee bill, because uncle Clifford rule #13839 is you leave early? Ya' pay the bill," Stevie laughed as she dug through her wallet for her credit card.

"Period, the food was too good, let's get the bill," Ari joked making everyone laugh.

"Miss, miss hi can I get the bill please?" Stevie stopped their waitress as she strolled passed their table.

Smiling she tucked her drink tray under her arm. "Oh the bill has been covered,"

"Covered?" Dean asked.

"Yes sir, Mr. Maverick there at the table by the window? He covered the bill and whatever other charges occur so no worries, he's one of our big spenders and he tips good!" She smiled widely.

"Ugh! Ya'know what tell him we don't need him to do shit, tell him no fucking thank you, now I'd like our bill please," Stevie snapped.

Shocked the waitress glanced around the table as she nodded her head. "Oh okay.. yes ma'am I'm sorry, I'll be right back," With that she walked across the floor towards Tremaine's table to tell him what Stevie said, before then to go retrieve the bill for them.

"Stevie," Ari cleared his throat. "Mama you sure that it's nothing? I'm seeing some unresolved hostility over nothing, people don't just quit for nothing, I thought you said guys were doing better, I mean didn't you say you guys were actually getting along for a change?" Ari inquired curiously.

"I thought so too but apparently not. Clearly motherfuckers don't know how to talk to me with some respect, so, instead of hitting him in his fuckin' mouth like I should've? I rather walk away with my dignity in tact," She shrugged as she looked around the restaurant awaiting their waitresses return.

"Where is she?" Stevie asked frowning.

Finally she was came from the back. Making her way over to the table. "Ma'am I'm sorry but unfortunately Mr. Maverick's card has been swiped and the transaction has been processed, we aren't able to stop it from our end... Mr. Maverick would have to dispute the charge with his bank," The waitress explained hoping she wouldn't receive any backlash for the small error.

Inhaling deeply Stevie turned to smile at the young lady. "Thank you beautiful, it's fine, it's whatever, thank you again,"

The young girl smiled gently. "Okay did you all need anything while I'm here --"

Stevie slid back in her seat and stood up.    She straighten the waist of her skirt, and started in the direction of Tremaine's table.

"Stevie where you going?" Cassidy asked turning in her seat to follow her sister with her eyes as she moved through the restaurant.

"The fuck do you think you're doing?" Stevie approached the table looking directly at Tremaine.

The men at the table caught off guard by her approach snickered quietly to themselves.

Tremaine lowered the glass of Jack Daniels and coke from his lips. Smiling towards Stevie. "Hello to you to, Ms. Calhoun, fellas this is Stevie, my assistant, Stevie, that's my cousin Dallas, his twin Victor, and that's my brother Michael,"

"Ex assistant, hello," Stevie fanned her hand and turned back to Tremaine. "This little game you're trying to play isn't cute! Nobody asked you to pay our fucking bill, we don't need your tacky ass handouts. What was is? I'll pay it back to you right now, cause we don't need you throwing it back in our faces that you paid the bill, because we know how bitchy you can get," Stevie dug around in her purse. "How much was it?" She asked looking up at him.

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