He really handled everything! Just for me!! I'm so glad I went back in time to fix things!!

I looked back at the Oracle, "I'm sorry you were troubled by all this." I placed my hands over my chest.

"It's quite alright." She answered, "I should take responsibility for helping out the person who was able to stop such a big war." Her energy was very warm, "Just giving you an explanation is not such a big deal, so rest assured."

I smiled and frowned together.

I don't think she understood how important this was to me. This is going to change my whole life but I don't think I can ever convey my feeling into words so- "Thank you," I just gave her a simple bow.

"It's quite alright." I straightened up to look at her face again as she spoke, "The most effort was made by your pair here," She spoke in her soothing calm voice, " "The Demon Lord almost killed himself to get to you," She smiled, "His love for you knows no bounds so I hope you stay together and live a long life of happiness."

I blushed at her words, it made my heart act all weird but at the same time her words worried me. I looked at Kaan, "Almost killed himself?"

He acted like nothing was wrong, "Don't pay any attention to that." He looked at the Oracle, "It was nothing."

She chuckled, "Oh?" She was a little amused, "But you consumed the petals of deathbane just so you could enter the island." She looked at me, "He almost died," My eyes went wide of her words, "But I couldn't heal him since we had to cross the barriers and my magic wouldn't work on him anyway since my powers are divine. He was in agony the whole time."

"What the hell..." I glared at Kaan, "You did what?!"

"It was the only way in!" He retaliated, "How else would I come in?"

I knew I wanted to know how he made his way in but I never wanted it to be this way! This was way to dangerous!!

"He may not look like it now but he was constantly sweating at first, then later his temperature dropped and he paled." The Oracle chuckled, "I have to say, any other demon would surely have died."

"Kaan!!" I glared at him and he raised his hands up in retaliation.

"Calm down! I'm fine." He may say that now, he even looks fine but it hurts me a lot to know how much he went through to get to me...

"I'll take my leave now." The Oracle stepped back, "It's a long way back home." She turned around and left while I continued to glare at Kaan.

"You could have died!!" I hit him

"I didn't!!" He replied, "I'm a dragon! Look!" He presented himself, "I'm all healed now!! They sell good potions here." He made a valid point but it wasn't enough.

"You're not immortal!!" Just the thought of him gone felt so surreal it made my heart drop to the pit of my stomach, "That was the stupidest thing you could have done!!" I hit his chest again and again with my lifeless punches, "Are you out of your mind!!"

He grabbed my wrists to make me stop, "Then!" He started as he pulled me closer, "Come back with me now, you've seen my effort now." I huffed at him as I looked into his beautiful eyes, his charming smile, those luscious lips that were hard to resist! "I at least deserve this."

Actually... really hard to resist. I really wanted him... I don't think I can wait anymore. I've been suppressing this feeling for a while now.

My body and mind is at its limit.

"Elayne?" He called my name after he saw me frozen in my stance. I stood still in my place but he didn't know the reason why but he was soon going to since it was because I had started lusting after him and now there was no stopping it after all that explanation.

All the doubts were gone, there were no obstacles in my way anymore and I had nothing to feel guilty over.

And good thing my place was only a few steps away.

"Kaan?" I grabbed his hand.


"Let's go," I pulled him along with me and ascended the stairs that led to the room I was living in. Rion was staying with Tia for the night and so there was going to be no interruption.

Kaan quietly followed me, still a little unsure where I was taking him but of course he probably had no idea I lived this close to where I worked. We reached my room and I slammed the door shut behind us while Kaan walked to the middle of the room and looked around.

"Is this your room?" He scanned the room while I gulped as I stared at his clothes. My pheromones began to do their work and seep out like crazy.

"It's in the way," I whispered and walked to him while he turned to look at me.

"What did you say?" As he faced me I went and grabbed his face, a little roughly at that and crashed my lips on his rather violently, leaving him a little bewildered for a moment.

But of course, he was a demon himself so he responded quickly. He grabbed my waist as he kissed me back roughly. Then he picked me up as he slid his tongue in to explore my mouth.

I felt tingles all over my body and we continued the makeout session when suddenly he broke the kiss and pushed me on the bed.

From there I saw the blissful view of him undressing. He took off his shirt and I saw the magnificent view of his perfectly toned body. Those nicely shaped abs were the best kind of eye candy.

In the moment of admiration, I sort of forgot I had to take off mine as well.

When Kaan was half naked with his pants unbuttoned, he stared at me and smirked, "Fine," He said as he leaned in, "I'll take off yours too," It made my heart jump out in glee.

He came on top of me and grabbed my shirt to take it off, "But first," He looked into my eyes, "Are you coming back with me?"

I looked back into his eyes, "Yes," I slid my arms around his neck, "And I'll never leave!"

He grinned, then ripped my shirt apart making me gasp and joined his lips with mine once again. The thrill of the action consumed me and I clawed his pants off as I couldn't resist either.

My lust pheromones spread around in the room fully and now there was no way to stop us.

Escape The Villain Route (Isekai Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now