"No... no, only to use the bathroom. But other than that... she's just been sleeping, I can't get her up without having to carry her. I-I tried!"

"Yeah so did I," Robin nodded with him,

"And what about before? What was she like?"

"Well sad! Her dad and ex best friend just died, but she was more Mia... it's like something snapped in her. It was so weird... Grief wouldn't make her act like that!"

"We've got to get ahold of Stiles. He should know." Steve rubbed his hands up and down his face, forgetting about his injuries before he pressed down on them, making him whine,

"Know what? What's-whats wrong with her?"

"Uh, depression, I think." Steve nodded,

"Well yeah she's depressed, of course she is— but... but we all get fucking depressed. I mean how the fuck could we not, living in this shitty town?"

"it's not just that kind of depressed, okay? Look, I could be wrong— like this could be a long shot, but it could be Bipolar Disease, like her mom." He explained, making Eddie face scrunch up,

"Bi... bi... bi... what? What the fuck is that?" He furrowed,

"It's manic depression, Eddie," Robin sighed,

"It's like, high highs followed by low lows— or the other way around, but it happens over and over again. I think... just to be safe we should get her an appointment at the clinic, and see what they say. But we need to tell stiles,"

Eddie shook his head, his hands practically trembling as he spoke "no, no, look. She... she's low. We cheer her up!"

"And we've been trying that," Robin said,

"Yeah it's not like that. She might have to be hospitalised" Steve lowered his voice slightly, not wanting her to hear through the thin walls,

"What do you mean hos... like a psych ward?" The look on Steve face answered his question making him point a finger "no fucking way! No fucking way! She's staying here." He pushed past the two, standing with his back towards them in the living room,

"Eddie, she could end up suicidal."

"Then we hide the knifes until she perks up. I can... I can take care of her. Okay, let me take care of her until she's better." He practically yelled at Steve, not completely understanding,

"It... it can be weeks. It's mood swings, okay? It's almost impossible to handle—"

"Don't fucking tell me what's impossible! We're taking care of her here. You, me, Stiles, Buckley, us. She's fucking family." He snapped, pushing past them again to grab a beer from the fridge, something to try and calm him down,

"I gotta go, okay?" Steve sighed "but um, I'll call stiles and I'll let him know what's going on. So he might turn up." He let Eddie know as he walked himself and Robin towards the door,

"She's not going to some fucking nut house, you hear me? She stays here. She's staying with me." He called after them as he rest against the counter, eyeing the two. Steve shot him a look, and shugged, getting out of the trailer before Eddie drank too much.

Once alone, he didn't know what to do, deep down he wanted to run into the bedroom and grab her, make her get up, make her better, but he knew it didn't work like that, and now he had an idea of what was wrong with her he felt bad, like all the stuff he had said, pillows he had thrown at her— by the sounds of things she can't help it...


Steve didn't bother calling Stiles, he knew he'd get no where, so once he'd dropped Robin home, he sped down the streets of Hawkins, all the way to the motel on the way in. Thankfully the blue jeep was parked outside number 9. He was there. Steve didn't even park properly as he turned into the lot, leaving it where he wanted then running to the door, knocking over and over,

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