51: Clockwork

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"Kacchan, what's wrong? Did something happen when you took Katsuma with you on patrol today?" she asked sweetly.

What she didn't expect was to hear a voice say; 

"That's not Katsuki." 

Izuku batted her eyes a few times and slowly panned her head down to see that the little boy–who she expected was her son–said; 

"That's Katsuma." and in a slightly high-pitched voice. 

The greenette didn't know what she was hearing and she slightly looked up and back at Cole who could only sigh. 

"I don't know how I didn't notice it until after it happened, but it appears that another member of our family has started the next move." Cole said, rubbing his eyes. Izuku wasn't sure what she was supposed to expect, but it was certainly not something like this. 

"Hah- Izuku, it appears Alex has made the next move and used her quirk to switch your husband and your son's ages. As this is Katsuki..." Cole paused as he rested his hand on the little boy. 

"And this... is Katsuma." he finished, resting his other hand on the tall blond's shoulder. The greenette's smile began to fade into absolute confusion. 

"E-... Eh?"

( Flashback )

"Yo Bakugo!!!" 

"Ha? What d'you guys want?" 

"Rockman!!!" Katsuma exclaimed, happy to see the Bakusquad. 

"Ey- It's little dude!" Kaminari noted as Katsuma ran up to them and got all excited. 

"Seems like you've been busy, like always. Huh? But where's the twins we saw last time?" Sero asked. 

"They're at Deku's mom's place today since Deku's busy at work today. I tried to get Katsuma to go too, but he wasn't buying it and wanted to go to work with me." Katsuki explained. 

"Eh~ Looks like you and Midoriya are doing fine, huh?" Kaminari asked, which only caused the blond to smile while he sat at his desk. 

"Yeah... we're just fine." he mumbled. 

The Bakusquad felt like they hadn't seen that smile in ages, but that didn't mean it wasn't cute, cause it was.

"Ah- 'Cough' So what're you guys doing here and bothering me?" Katsuki coughed, instantly changing the subject. 

"Oh yeah, you should go on patrol with us today!" Kirishima yelled. 

"Hard pass." 

"Wha- Oh c'mon, it feels like it's been forever since the last time you went on patrol with us!" Kirishima whined. 

"I can't go, not when I've got Katsuma with me. I won't hear the end of it if Deku finds out I went out on patrol and brought Katsuma with me." Katsuki explained. 

"Then why don't you just leave him here with someone since it's obvious everyone at this agency knows your kid?" Sero asked. 

"I don't trust everyone in this place." 

"Mmmh... Oh, I know! Since it's not just you that's going on patrol alone–and we'll be with you–we can watch him with you!" Kaminari suggested.

Katsuki batted his eyes to process and wasn't really 100% sure that would be a good idea. 

"Deku would still be mad at me for letting Katsuma go on patrol with me." 

"Please, Papa?" 

The blond looked up at the Bakusquad to see Katsuma with big beady eyes and tears starting to form. 

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