Meeting The Parents

Start from the beginning

This seems like a good idea... 





"Why did I ever think this is a good idea?" Godt groans, stepping into the limousine with Kimmon behind him. The anxiousness he is feeling reminds him of the times when he had to meet with his biological family for numerous reasons like signing a contract to cut ties. 

"Relax, love. I'm right here with you. I won't let anything happen to you," Kimmon rubs his fingers on Godt's neck, easing his tensed muscles. 

Godt sighs again and lays his head on Kimmon's chest. His heartbeat calms him down. He rests his eyes as they make their way to the royal palace. A short morning text from Krist also reassures Godt. 

Singto and Krist stayed over at the royal palace the day before so they made sure to drop some hints for the King and Queen during breakfast, so they will be easy on their other son-in-law. Nevertheless, they know everything they said will be considered internally since both the King and Queen have not met Godt yet. Every speculation is up to their meeting today. 

As noon approaches, Krist has been standing at the front entrance hoping to be the first person they meet. Singto is in the King's study, discussing his royal duties. The Queen is rushing the servants to get the guest rooms ready. 

Finally, the gate opens. 

Krist sees the limousines pulling into the drop-off area. He speeds down just as the driver opens the door for Kimmon and Godt to step out. Krist flings his arms over Godt and gives him a tight hug. 

"You're here! You're finally here!" Krist squeals. 

"Now now, let him breathe," Kimmon chuckles. His mood is lifted seeing the warm exchange between Krist and Godt. It is a good start. 

"Khun Paw (father) and Singto will be a little late. So let's go to the sunroom for some tea and snacks," Krist smiles, pulling Godt inside. 

Kimmon shrugs and follows them, noticing the smiles and greetings from every palace guard. He smiles warmly and greets them all. Everyone is taken aback by Kimmon's genuine smile. 

"Khun Krist, I've laid out everything as per your request. The Queen will be joining in five minutes. Is there anything else you need? Khun Kimmon? Khun Godt?" Bank, the palace butler greets them politely. 

"We're good," Kimmon answers for both of them and Bank formally takes his leave. Arm, Krist's bodyguard enters the room and formally wais Kimmon and Godt. 

"Sawadee Krap, Khun Kimmon, Khun Godt," Arm winks with a smile. 

"Is there a time when he is not flirting?" Godt whispers loudly to Krist. 

"Not a damn chance!" Krist cracks up, sending them both into hysterical laughter. Even Kimmon snorted at the comment. 

"And I wonder where is Mr Fine Thanawat today?" Arm ignores the hilarious duo. "I wonder if he will be bringing a plus one, or maybe two." 

"He's arriving late, running errands for me," Kimmon informs lightly. "And yes, he is bringing Suthapong with him. Not sure about the other one though." 

"Ooh, this will be fun," Arm smiles with a glint. 

"P'Arm, you better behave!" Krist frowns. Even though they have patched things up, they still bicker and get on each other's nerves. 

"Krap, Khun Krist," Arm answers amusedly. 

"I don't mind a bit of drama. Would be nice to have premiere seats again," Godt jokes lightly. He exchanges a glance with Krist and they both burst out laughing again. 

"My my my... Sounds like you guys are having fun," a gentle voice enters before a glimpse of the Queen is seen. She smiles kindly at Godt who has gone frozen. "It's nice to finally meet you." 

"Sawadee Krap..." Godt holds up his hands together for a formal wai. His throat thickens. His heartbeat races. 



Sorry for another late update. Next up will be focusing on Godt and Kimmon as they meet the in-laws. With little moments of KS and our throuple. 

What's been happening with me? (Not that anyone is asking) 
1. The passing of the Queen
2. My birthday on Friday but I'm working all weekend 

That's about it~ Cheers!

My Moon is My Life (KristSingto)Where stories live. Discover now