First Day

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"Just breathe" I whispered to myself. "It's going to be okay, it's a new school in a new state and no one remembers who you are from high school," I told myself while staring into my eyes, the full length mirror gave me a perfect vantage point to examine myself. "A nice, clean, fresh start where I can finally blossom into the person I've always wanted to be."

Trying to hype yourself up must be the hardest and saddest thing, considering your basically your own hype man. But to be fair, this wasn't my own idea, it was my damn therapist. I don't know what I pay that women for...

I had moved thousands of miles away from my home, from my parents, from the only life I had ever known. It was quite hard at first, I didn't think i'd be able to actually make it, I needed some support in my new life, so I got myself a nice little therapist and it's actually been going pretty well so far, I mean if this was a few months ago I would've been on the floor hyperventilating over my first day at college.
But as it turns out this move had been one of my best ideas I've ever had, the best part was that I moved far enough away from all those who had made my life a living hell all throughout high school.


It was hard at first but once I got to know the area around me as well as the community it felt like a breath of fresh air. And I settled in fairly well if I say so myself, I'm even well known at my favorite pizza place, but that maybe because my order is kind of unique or quirky as I like to call it. And I get it practically every Friday.

Joe says I'm weird for it but hey he doesn't have to eat it and I do so I'm going to order whatever the hell I want and no one can say otherwise.

Anyway he shouldn't be complaining in the first place. After all every time I buy my "gross" pizza. He gets a payday. He shouldn't be insulting a paying customer its just rude.

I lightly laugh to myself remembering the look on Joe's face the first time I ordered it. He was absolutely horrified and almost refused to make it for me. But apparently to him I looked like I was about to start crying so he made it for me anyway. And ever since then Joe's been like a father to me, and he's been one of the best perks since I've moved.

Now enough about Joe back to school, when I woke up this morning I immediately went to feed my cats, after all they were the reason I woke up so early each morning. I had two female black cats named Salem and Wicca and one white cat with some tan marking on him named Romeo. I call them my little Oreo, and now I want an Oreo.

Mmm Oreos, the best creation of cookie. And I'll stand by that til I die.

After they had been fed I got started with feeding myself, I made some simple over-easy eggs with some delicious bacon and toast. Just a simple breakfast that hopefully wouldn't upset my stomach later.

I wasn't used to eating breakfast in the morning, when I was younger it always used to upset my stomach. But then of course, I'd be hungry way before lunchtime if I didn't and turn into a hangry monster.
So, in reality, there was just no winning for me.

Next on the agenda was a shower, I don't know if it's just me but for some reason a shower in the morning really helps wake me up. Even more than coffee, which I only ever drink if I haven't gotten any sleep the night before. When I lived at home I had to practically fight my mother for a shower in the morning, only one of us could be taking one at a time and whoever went second usually had to use cold water.

After my quick shower I needed clothes, most universities tend to frown upon their students showing up without them. Not that I'd even have the confidence in my body to do something so bold like that.

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