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Charles Leclerc

Sophie has changed. She became a completely different woman. She confidently turned around when I took her hand and looked at me. She looked deep into my eyes and it was as if she could see into my soul. I felt my body shudder. I was completely freaked out and suddenly let go of her hand. Oh Sophie, don't do this to me...I'm begging you....

She sat down at the table where Andrea had been sitting before. Sophie looked at the man who immediately smiled. I knew what he was smiling about. Sophie was a beautiful girl. Very nice. But she was also mature. Smart, charming, knew everything.

- And how long will you stay? - I asked the girl

- I didn't plan on it for a long time - she answered, but she didn't even answer the question.

- Are you staying for the race?

- I do not know. Maybe.

- Depends on what?

- Charles! - Sophie gently tapped the table
- Why are you asking so much?

- I do not know. I don't know, maybe I just realized that I really didn't remember you in December and maybe I made a huge mistake.

- You didn't make a mistake Charles. - Sophie said with a smile.
- This had to happen like this and if you'll excuse me now I have to go to my hotel - with that the girl got up and started walking. I looked after her and took her hand.

- Sophie. Did I really break your heart?

- You've broken me into infinite pieces, Charles. Twice. - with that the girl left me alone at the table with my trainer.

Andrea and I looked at each other bewildered. We didn't know what I messed up. It was obvious that quite a few things, but Sophie's presence right now upset me properly. However, I now have to focus on my domestic competition. Because I have to win.


Her blonde hair shone. She was the only one who started to matter to me. I wanted her again. I remembered the ship. I remembered Sophie, how she came drunk with her mischievous smile when Joris and I were on the boat. We were fiddling with ropes when the girl appeared totally drunk. That day I told her for the first and last time that I love her. I haven't said that to any girl since. Not a single one. She was Arthur's girlfriend at the time and that's why I hated her so much. How did you choose him over me? Simple. Oh my goodness, it's so easy. I went far away from here, I went all the way to Maranello just to not be with him. So that I don't have to face Sophie, the completely innocent Sophie, taking her virginity. What a joke, isn't it? The truth is, I'm a complete joke...

At home, I immediately dug out a small red velvet box. I took out the shiny ring from it...Mother gave it to me in January when my memory had returned. My mother told me to marry the girl who is closest to me. Be the woman of my life who loves and respects me. Be my companion. Be my soulmate....I think I found her. In other words, Her was always in front of me, I just didn't notice her. She was Sophie...


Sophie Fisher

"Good day Monaco. Good morning world. The racing brigade of the world's fastest cars will start soon. In the lead is Charles Leclerc, who is also the favorite of the Monaco audience. After all, this will be the young boy's home race where he will measure himself against George Russell. Will Charles Leclerc win his home race for the first time in his life or will it take another year? It will soon become clear, as the Monaco Grand Prix starts in 30 minutes."

A lot of people. Lots of rich people. And I'm just an average girl in the crowd. I'm just an average girl. Nothing but a crazy fan. A person who wants a different life...
I set off to find my place, which seemed quite far but was close at the same time. The murmur of the crowd was no different than in Belgium. My first competition. Charles as explained
I understood the rules easily then. Since then I know everything about it all... The Paddock club was right in front of my eyes. I was close. Very close, but not quite.

"Charles Leclerc will lead the race. And after the semi-leading lap the race will begin......Ladies and gentlemen! Charles Leclerc is leading the race!!! What a start from the boy from Monaco. Unbelievable. Unbelievable, impossible to overtake him . What competition this boy has..."

Charles. Come on little red car

"Charles Leclerc wins the Monaco Grand Prix, which means that he wins his first domestic race. Leclerc has also overcome the curse that supposedly ruled him until now. 5th victory of the season for the boy from Monaco. Ladies and gentlemen, this boy is unstoppable"

Tears began to appear in my eyes. I was happy, as happy as ever. I went straight to the Podium with the crowd. I was in the crowd. Then I heard Charles' voice speaking his thoughts into the microphone. Then a hand touched my confession. It was Andrea who took my hand and took me to the Paddock club. The man pulled me straight under the podium.

- Why are you doing this? -  I asked, but he said I will find out. I watched Charles turn to the crowd

- I know it wouldn't be appropriate for me to do this in front of the world. I know I've made a lot of mistakes, but I've changed. I have indeed become a different person, a person who wants to spend his life next to a person. And I want to spend my life with Sophie Fisher -  said Charles.

Tears were strong in my eyes. I cried, and then Andrea pushed me to go up to the Podium. As soon as I saw the boy in a competition outfit from head to toe, I found him even more attractive. I looked into his eyes and Charles knelt down in front of me.

- Sophie Fisher, will you marry me? - the boy asked with tears in his eyes

- Yes. I will be your wife , Charles Leclerc - I said into the microphone and kissed him...


Emotional moments in front of a world. I decided right then and there that I never loved anyone but him. Charles was my other half whom I always wanted. And the Podium was not swimming in champagne but in rose petals. I've never wanted anything else, I've never wanted anyone  just Charles Leclerc. And I got him. My destiny has been fulfilled. Our destiny.


TikTok: wattpadgirl.4

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