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Arthur Leclerc

Sophie didn't really want to talk to me today, and as she sat down opposite me to have breakfast, she gave me the feeling that I had made a mistake. Maybe I really did make a mistake by getting my best friend into trouble.
So I was forced to atone.

- I'm sorry! - I ran to her during breakfast. The girl even dropped the fork from her hand

- Arthur, there's really no problem with you having a good time! - Sophie said and stroked my hand

- But there is a problem with it, since you are here because of us, I don't want you to feel bad because of me.

- I don't feel bad.

- But, I can see in you that something is not right - I said and turned the girl towards me. We were so close. I could smell Sophie's light scent and that she was speechless. However, then my brother entered the room and the eye contact between us was completely lost. Sophie looked at Charles and Charles looked at her. Annoying thoughts appeared in my mind again and the butterflies that had been inside me flew away. I felt nauseous even when I thought that Sophie would not be mine but this bastard's, that is, Charles's.

- Let's go for ice cream - I proposed the idea, I said, and the girl paid attention to me again

- Good idea, I'll go get my plate - she declared

- Leave it and I'll pay

When we were kids, this was always the ice cream parlor where mom and dad always brought us. We also came here in the summer when these two girls, Amber and Sophie, joined us. I never felt bad here. I always ate my favorite flavor of ice cream, i.e. chocolate and grape. I've never tried anything new here. I remember when, on the last summer evening last year, my mother bought me a scoop of plum-flavored ice cream because Sophie wanted to eat it too, and in the end I didn't eat it. Sophie got sad because I didn't try anything new, so maybe I will now.
We arrived at the ice cream parlor, which was still standing as it was last year, according to Sophie. It didn't matter to me because I live here and everything is always the same for me. Neutral....

- What can I give you? - asked the seller

- I want a plum and a chocolate -Sophie said and winked at me
- You know you didn't taste plums last year. You're going to taste it now, aren't you?

- But then I don't eat grapes -  I said laughing

- Do it for yourself -Sophie said seriously

- I can't believe that we make such a fuss about choosing an ice cream flavor

- Then don't do it

- Okay. Good, fine, let me have the same taste as the little lady -  I declared. I took my ice cream and looked at the girl

- We can go?

- You can -  Rose nodded

- It tastes good, Sophie, it's really delicious - I said and hugged the girl

- Do you know why I wanted you to do this? For daring to step out of your comfort zone

Than we got back to the house laughing

- I can't believe you seriously fed him - Sophie's mom said

- But he ate it - said Sophie

- Arthur is like a baby, but I am glad to hear your laughter again - said my mother .

- Where is Charles? - I asked

- He went swimming,you can follow him, if you want.



Charles Leclerc

Sophie's body moved against me as fast as it had ever been that night. Also, I have never looked at her the way I started looking at her at that moment. I started thinking about her and she was the only thing on my mind. The girl I saved that night.
I didn't tell anyone what happened between us or why I said she was my girlfriend, but I felt it had to be this way for some reason.

- I'm going swimming - I announced to my mother

- Okay, but Charles, is everything okay between you and Sophie? You are so tense with each other - Mom said

- Sure, why bother?

- I don't know, I just asked

- Mom, don't worry, everything is fine  -I told her and pressed a kiss on her head


I walked down to the shore and boarded the ship. The crew was not on my boat at the moment and maybe this would have been the most perfect moment for me to finally spend some time alone like this in the middle of August. I sat down and took out a glass. I filled it with a glass of lemonade that I found in the fridge and turned on my phone. Sophie and Arthur were in the first picture posted on Instagram.
-They were for ice cream,-- I told myself. Maybe I was a little sorry that it all turned out this way between us. I've had a lot of fun with Sophie, I swear. I can't forget the feeling of her blond hair brushing against my face that evening....I stood up because I heard voices

- You didn't think you were leaving without us, did you?- Arthur asked from the shore

- But, that's exactly what I planned - I said

- Charles, you better not leave us here, we brought you ice cream too -said Sophie. My soul softened at the girl's voice and I went to help them

- Take your hand -  I said to Sophie, who grabbed her  hand and stepped onto the deck

- So what kind of ice cream do I have?

- We brought you chocolate, vanilla and strawberry - Arthur said

-But these are average

- So are you - said Sophie

- I'm not average. Not everyone drives a car in the Ferrari F1 team

- True, but you shouldn't be so cool with it -she continued

- Well, I need popcorn for that - Arthur said, leaving us alone with Sophie. Just me and her. I moved closer to her so that our noses almost touched.

- Why are you doing this to me? -I asked her

- I know you enjoy it

- Yes, but you can't do that

- Why? I'm a free man and let's wait. Are you flirting with me now?
-Sophie asked

-That's for you to decide Sophie Fisher - I said and moved away from her



TikTok: wattpadgirl.4

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