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Sophie Fisher

The next morning I woke up early and so did Arthur. It was Wednesday, which means that we are preparing and getting closer to the race weekend. I couldn't wait to meet a bunch of people so I quickly turned to Arthur and excitedly started listing things

- Good morning my dear, first of all I'll give you a kiss and then we should get up -  I've been running errands

- Slow down Sophie! Everything will be in the best order and everything will happen on time. What's the rush?

- It's nothing, you just have to be at the field by 11 - I said

- Damn it - said the boy

- I'm right, but maybe a few more kisses will fit into our time - With that, I turned towards Arthur's upper body and began to shower his neck with kisses. His masculinity stiffened strongly, so I knew I couldn't go on. This is not how I wanted my first time with him. Not in such a hurry...
...After the awkward moments, we both reached for our robes and rushed to the bathroom to change because it was well past 9 o'clock.

- Is there my watch ? - Arthur shouted from the room while I was still in the bathroom

- No, isn't it in the chair by the blanket?

- But yes , it is here - Arthur said and hugged me from behind.
- You know you are so beautiful -  he said and kissed my neck

- You know, there's only one thing that makes me the happiest right now - I turned to look into the boy's eyes

- That  I found my watch??

- No. I said that our friendship didn't end because we became a couple

- I'm also very happy about that -  he  said, and we ended the conversation with a big hug.

By 11 we were already on the field. I have never been on a real race track in my life. Or maybe I was when I was walking down the grand avenue of Monaco, but it wasn't like that. I really liked the sound of the cars and when I stepped through the entrance door of the Paddock, I felt like I had fallen into a completely different world. To a world where money talks. Everything looked so special and suddenly I didn't know where to look. I smiled and took Arthur's hand. He knew where we should go. Arthur led me. The photographers have also arrived. Arthur didn't prepare for them at all, but I started to feel that I could handle the weight of the photographers.

I got into the F3 garage and took out my phone. I took some pictures and sent them to mom. She didn't answer right away, there must have been no phone nearby. Then I watched Arthur with the other competing boys. Then another hour passed and I started to get bored. Arthur didn't care about me at all, in fact he changed. He took on his contemptuous self. It was as if it wasn't him at all... The boys started laughing and I felt even more awkward, then I gathered strength and when Arthur was only talking to 3 boys, I approached him.

- I'm going back to the hotel now -  I said

- What...wait...why? - the boy asked, as if he didn't understand the situation

- I'm on the phone with mom anyway - I said something quickly.

- It's fine, but take care of yourself - he said and planted a kiss on my lips

- Bye ! - I said and didn't even look behind me. Would Arthur really be like this? He is not so condescending and egotistical in the summer. Now it's like he's a completely different person...


On the way back to the hotel, it started to rain. When I got out of the taxi, I lifted my jacket over my head so that my hair wouldn't get completely wet. But I didn't succeed. The departure of the taxi completely soaked my pants from the front. The driver's apology was nothing. The man waved to me that he was truly sorry, but that was all he had to say. The crying started to escape. My hair was completely wet and, being September, I started to feel cold. I finally reached the door of the hotel. I entered the door. I first looked around and saw Charles talking to a couple of boys in the hall. He also noticed me out of the corner of his eye. He looked at me and his worried look said everything for me. But he didn't wave, he continued the conversation. I went to the reception.

- Hi, I'm Sophie Fisher, Arthur Leclerc's girlfriend, I'd like to ask for the key to room 304 - I said

- Sorry ma'am, but I can't give you the key.

- What does that mean - I said out loud

-That you  should come up with a better text in order to get up to the floor reserved for the Ferrari team. - said the woman. And I listened in horror to what he was trying to say.

- I'm sorry, but... - I started when a shoulder touched me from behind

- The lady is with us - said Charles
- Please give her the room key - the boy instructed

- Oh, I'm sorry Mr. Leclerc. I'm really sorry - the woman was modest

- You might regret it, it might cost you your job -  Charles continued, then looked at me.
- Can we go ,Sophie ?

- Thank you - I gaped at him quietly.

- So what are you doing here? - he asked as we walked to the elevator

- I had to come back - I said quickly, because I couldn't have said that death was boring on the field

- Why?

- Just....just...Because I wanted to talk to mom

- It sounds exciting -  the boy said, then pushed the elevator door

- And what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be talking to your friends instead? They look at us a lot - I said because they really did. Quite remarkably, too

- They can wait, first I want to make sure that you are really all right - said Charles and then we got into the elevator....



TikTok: wattpadgirl.4

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