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Charles Leclerc

.....Everything happened suddenly

I was lying in my bed and today was on my mind. What I enjoyed the most was how devotedly Sophie did everything and when she finally gave herself to me completely. As she lay next to me and played with my hair, maybe something changed in me. I realized that the person I was until now was not me. That was inappropriate of me. These actions that I committed in the summer... Everything I did was not right of me. I played with Sophie's feelings and when I think about how much pain this brought to the surface, I shudder.

I knew one thing for sure. I have to change not for myself but for Sophie.

In the midst of my musings, I noticed a soft knock. Sophie was standing in front of me and she was wearing a little robe. Her hair was disheveled, her eyes showed exhaustion

- Sophie, what are you doing here at 11pm? -  I asked

- Can i come in?

- Sure

- But now I just want to talk - she said and sat down in the chair opposite the bed. I just watched the girl take big sighs and try not to cry

- So, what's the big deal?

- He bought me a flowers....Arthur bought me a flowers ....

- And? What's so impressive about that?

- Charles Leclerc! No one has ever bought me flowers. You know, I feel that Arthur loves me. Indeed. He doesn't need my body - she said in a slightly higher voice
- How do I know you don't just want my body?

- Sophie... -  I began...

- I knew it...I made a mistake again. It was also a mistake that I came here, it was also a mistake that I let you in the afternoon. Charles, tell me honestly why are you doing this to me?

- You know it's because I don't want you to be Arthur's. I want you to be mine. Dance for me while you bathe. I want you to be by my side always. I want to be a part of your life, Sophie...You have to let me

- No, I don't have to...

- I don't want you to leave Sophie - I grabbed her hand suddenly.
- I don't want you to leave me here again

- Charles, you're taking advantage of me - said Sophie. Her eyes were tired and it broke my heart. It was like I ruined her. It was like it was all coming from me.

- I'm changing. I realized how much of a jerk I've been all summer. I behaved very very pathetically. Please....Please, I have to. I've only been thinking about you for weeks. I don't want to be with anyone but you!  - I said. Sophie yielded to the squeeze and turned to me. Our noses touched. I felt her breath touch my lips. I wanted to kiss her, but I rather waited to see if she would do it first.
She grabbed my shoulders with her hands and raised her head. She looked into my eyes. Her eyes were teary.

- I don't want to make a mistake again - she whispered

- We will not.  - I said

- Do you promise?

- I promise. I promise to be faithful to you here and now -  I said
- Can i kiss you?

- You can kiss me ,  Charles Leclerc! - Sophie said

Sophie didn't sleep next to me. She went back to Arthur's room. We will tell my  younger brother in the morning. He'll probably be totally and rightfully pissed off, but that's how it should be. Sophie and I were made for each other by fate...


Sophie Fisher

- Sophie..Sophie - Arthur called my name. The boy started kissing my chest. I suddenly sat up

- What..is it morning already? - I asked tensely

- Yes dear, you fell asleep a bit and I didn't want to wake you up. You were such a sweet little girl.

Arthur was already dressed. Red T-shirt and black pants. It's true, because there are free workouts today. I forgot...

- I'll get dressed and we can go to breakfast - I said and started running to the bathroom. I was ready in 15 minutes and we walked down to the hotel's huge restaurant holding hands. We sat down at a table for two. I was a little tense when I noticed how calm Arthur was while I was freaking out...
Not far away, I saw Charles' back. I should call him here somehow, I thought to myself.

- Arthur, would you go get me a coffee, please? - I asked

- Of course Sophie, you drink it with milk, don't you?

- Of course, since you already know me well - I said and smiled. Arthur really knew me well
The boy got up and went to get me coffee, and I signaled to Charles to come here.

- Here's your coffee - Arthur said, placing it on the table in front of me. It was just the way I like it.

- Thanks - I said with a mischievous smile. Arthur looked up and Charles appeared. He took a chair from the other table and pulled it over to our table.

- I'm not bothering you, am I?,
-  he asked and looked at his brother first. I took a deep breath and so did Charles. Then he took my hand and placed it on the table. Arthur looked at us confused.

- What the hell is going on here? - he asked and I saw that his eyebrows contracted, his forehead wrinkled.

-Arthur... - Charles began

- You hated each other 3 days ago

- We know - I said too

- It's a long story. Very long...- continued Charles

- We have time - Arthur hit the table. I grabbed his hand, but he pulled it away

- Don't even touch me. I've been with you for so long. I have always loved you. You were my first true love. But you always needed Charles. That was part of your plan, wasn't it? To bring you here with me

- No, I would never do that. I never wanted to take advantage of you -  I said scared.

- I'm disappointed in you! Huge! I don't want to see you anymore! Neither do you, Charles! Run, run away from home. Break Sophie's heart! Show what you really know! Show !

- What are you talking about Arthur? - Charles asked

- Ooooo, you know that well. Ever since dad died, you've been like a pre-dead. You are not capable of loving! You are not capable of being human! You took everything from me. You took my dream, my girlfriend, and even my mother.

- Arthur calm down - I quieted the boy

- Leave me alone -  said Arthur, standing up from the table and walking back into the room



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