Chapter 1

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Hey, myself Pete, Pete Saengthom, a freshman in Graphic Design, It is my passion to be one, but it's only been a few months and life seem to be going smooth,  I got some nice bunch of friends here, Porsche, Tem and Jom.
Porsche is also from sports quota, so we got good soon but he is in Physical Education, Tem is my classmate, and Jom is Porsche's classmate so we got close in no time.We hangout together and share whatever we have in our mind to each other.
There is a guy in fashion designing major whom I had a crush on, his name is Tay, he is so pretty that even the fashionista chick of our campus looks geek in front of him, that's the more reason I am unable to even talk to him.

But a wise man say, whenever the sea is still, it means a violent storm is on the way, and who had even thought, my ordinary and peaceful life will be fucked like that and very messily on top of that, only if I had kept my damn stupid mind sane.

I got in here by sports quota in boxing, my grandparents lives in Southeren Thailand, money has always been a problem for me, I stopped taking the money my grandma sends me, I know it's hard for them too, and by working part time, I had been managing my daily expenses barely, but problem arised when the management denied the hostel fees to be included in my scholarship, but I don't have that much to pay for it, so I had to move out and find a place to live.
Currently I am crashing at Porsche's place where I share the house with his brother, Porchay, as Porsche is dating Kinn, who is a Senior in Business Management, has been living with him, he comes to stay with his brother on every Sunday. As far as I know him, no one in the whole college know how the fuck they started dating as they were known to be involved in a fight with each other, multiple times, and now they are madly in love, it sucks though, to see people around you dating when you can't even dare to look at your crush.
But I have to move out soon, my conscience doesn't seem to stay here as even his brother, has a boyfriend, who drops and picks him up from school everyday, and only I know about him, not even Porsche because Kinn's brother Kim is the guy who is the one Chay is all gaga about. Ironical.
I was searching for a rent apartment or a PG in my budget, but I had searched half of Bangkok but nothing else than the 6*6 feet rooms where one can either sit or lie crouched down.
I was damn tired and hungry, I was dragging my feet anyhow but when you are unlucky, everything happens at wrong time.  The rain started pouring cats and dogs, I rushed to nearby shed to wait until it's over, but half an hour passed but nothing happened.

"You can come in." A female voice spookily shouted and I flinched around, the black window cover folded up and the glass windows appeared a middle aged woman, it seems like a cafe among the houses around.
"Thanks for letting me in. "
Who will deny when it's cold and water all around, I sat on the nearby chair and she served me a hot coffee, and it was the worst I ever had, although I was having it all, as I don't want to hurt her feelings.
"You seem like a nice guy, I mean no one has ever drank the whole cup of the coffee I made. "
I almost spit the whole out, coughing wildly I  poised myself again, if she knows that her coffee is literally rat poison why the hell does she own a cafe? And even if she does, who allowed her to go near a coffee machine?
"It suits my taste buds and I don't want to waste food. "

" But what are you doing around here? You don't look from Bangkok, I have seen you a number of times in this area today only. "

"Well I am from southeren, and was looking for a place for myself, and this part was the last unsearched, I know this is a posh area, but still tried my luck. "

"Well I don't take pity but you seen to be a nice guy, so I can help you. "

"Pardon? "

" Their is an acquaintance of me who wants to rent his first floor, and the price you want to give, but he has some conditions, if you fulfill them, it's all yours young man. "

"I really have a low budget, I don't think it would be my cup of tea. "

"That's your wish, I just told you, have a look before you decide, here is his number, call him if you change your mind. " 

She gave me a number on a paper slip, and went inside, the rain was taking a while and I was thinking again, it won't hurt to atleast check the place, I had been to many, atleast one more.

I dialled the number and the person picked up on the first ring as if waiting.

"I am sorry to say but the lady who owns a  Vistara cafe gave me your phone number for the rent place, I am interested in that, can I come to have look. "

" Cool, come right now. "
A deep voice with the husk of arrogance in it replied, he cut the call and texted the address, it was near the place I was, I walked around hesitatingly as I reached the place, a duplex house with every touch of modernity in it, I rechecked the address and it was the same, I was drenching in rain, as I was watching the house with my mouth gaped open.

" If you like getting wet that much then come inside, you can still do that here. "
A young guy but definitely older than me, with a height of almost 6 feet and flexing his muscle build through the sando he was in, opened the door, I came out of my trance and headed in.

"Take them, I don't want my house to get dirty. " He handed me towel and clothes to change, I was hesitant but entered the washroom anyway to change, its all a bit strange, but anyway who cares.
I stripped out of my clothes and washed off the rain water, but he knocked on the door.

" I left something in their. " I searched the whole thing but there was NOTHING.

" It's isn't here. "

" Open the door, I will take it myself. "

" I am coming out. " I wrapped the towel around and came out, the guy himself was just in his boxers, with....with....a hard on, smirking at me, it didn't took me long to get a hold of the situation and I tried to rush out but before I could, he snatched the towel, and I was naked, I covered ny groin with hands and searched for the room to lock inside, but he was faster, pushing me hard and I fell on the floor, my back hit the cold floor, and the pain over it, it was awful.
The guy got on top of me,  I tried to fight but he pinned my hands above my head and kissed my neck all over, sucking as if he will drew the blood out, I was getting stirred but I hit him in the dick, hard and he winced in pain, falling to the side, I got up and kicked him again in the stomach, locking the room he was in, I got the clothes and my belongings and fled the house.
While I was escaping I could hear him shout, and bang the door
" You will regret this for your whole fucking life, It's Vegas you had dared to tackle. "
" I will fuck the hell out of you, just wait darling. "
I nearly got raped, but I was glad I hit him hard, I should have kicked him again, I will never even ponder around 1km of this area.
Note:  If the beginning is like this, what would happen in the future?
It's my new story and I hope you enjoy it as much as I liked making it, do tell me how you feel about it and like it if you enjoyed it, next part will be up today only.

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