chapter 149

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"Mommy, Daddy's annoying me again!" I hear Logan as he runs into the kitchen. "baby, you need to speak to your father," I say picking him up.

"Why?" he asks as he plays with my hair. "because he didn't mean to hit you with the ball, He's trying to say sorry and you running away isn't very nice. I know you're mad at him but you have to hear him right, just listen to what he has to say," I tell him.

"but I'm hungry," he whines. "listen to your father and then you can eat dinner, okay?" I say. he rolls his eyes.

"Logan," I say sternly. "fine," he says. I place him on the floor and he goes into the living room. "he won't listen," Derek says as he walks into the kitchen.

"I know, but try now," I say. "I don't think he'll-" he says. "just try, and Logan no running away this time," I say.


I walk over to Logan and kneel down in front of him. "Logan, I didn't mean to hit you in the face with the ball, I forgot how little you were. I didn't mean to do it, it was an accident and I'm sorry... It won't happen again, I promise," I say.

"Okay," Logan says. "okay what?" I say. "Okay, it's okay," he says. "thank you," I say. I stand up and kiss his head.

I walk into the kitchen and see Meredith's finishing up her cooking. "not so hard, now was it?" she says.

"No, the only reason he let me finish this time is that you told him to," I say. "he's a mommy's boy, that's that. I'm sure you'll get a daughter one day," she says.

"And what if she's a mommy's girl?" I say. "then she's a mommy's girl, you won't hear any complaining from me," she smiles before walking away.

"Logan, are you hungry?" I ask. he says nothing. "he's still ignoring me," I say walking over to the table as Meredith places a pot on the table.

"so? I ignore you all the time and we're still married," she says. "do you know you're not helping?" I say. "yea, well, then you married the wrong woman," she says.

"I didn't marry the wrong woman," I say. "he's not going to ignore you forever. you have to stop being so sensitive when it comes to Logan's words, he's going to say mean things it's what children do, he's stubborn and he won't forgive right away. it'll be like with me, he slowly pretends like it never happened," she says.

"Why are you two like this?" I say. "because it's fun," Logan says as he walks to the table and sits down in his seat.

"How is that fun?" I say. he shrugs. "see, he's pretending like it never happened," she says setting the table.

"do you need help?" I ask. "No, I need a man's help. Logan come help me," she says. Logan giggles as he stands up and goes into the kitchen to help Meredith.



after dinner, I bathed Logan and help him get dressed into his pyjamas. "can I sleep with you and Daddy tonight?" he asks as I lift him onto my hip.

"No, you're a big boy now, you have to sleep in your big boy's bed," I say and kiss the side of his head. "but I like your bed better than mine, mine is little with a little blanket and a little pillow. if I'm a big boy why is everything little?" he asks.

"Because you're littler than me and Daddy. I and Daddy need a big bed because we share a bed," I say.

"Why does Daddy get to share a bed with you but I don't?" he asks. "because Daddy and I are married," I say.

"can I marry you?" he asks. "I think you can only marry one person... unless you're in a cult," I say. "can we be in a cult?" he asks.

"No, honey. those things are bad," I giggle as I kiss his forehead.

I walk out of his bedroom and brought him into the living room where Derek with his pyjamas on, nothing but sweatpants.

"Why does Daddy wear no shirt when he goes to sleep but I have to wear one?" Logan asks. "I don't know why Daddy doesn't sleep with a shirt on, maybe you should ask him," I say sitting on the couch with him on my lap.

"Daddy why don't you wear a shirt when you go to sleep?" he asks. "because it's easier to have my way with mommy when I don't have a shirt on," he says as he watches tv.

"Derek!" I say. "he asked, I answered," he says.

"what does that mean mommy?" Logan asks. "I have no idea what that means," I say. I look over at Derek and glare at him as he only smirks at me.

I roll my eyes and look back at the tv.

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