coffee shop

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weeks passed. I haven't seen Derek since the time someone broke in. I had just finished a shift at the hospital when I decided to stop at a coffee shop because I have other things to do and I don't want to fall asleep when I get home.

I ordered my coffee and sat down and waited. as I was waiting for my coffee I noticed Derek sitting across the room from me, sitting with another woman.

I looked away when I saw him. the waitress handed me my coffee and walked away. I stayed seated as I drank my coffee and went through my phone for a bit.

I finished my coffee but continued organizing my schedule for next week. I heard the chair across the table from we pull out. I look up and saw Derek sitting in the chair across me. "We met in this place," he says looking around. "... We did," I say just now remembering it as it only felt like yesterday.

"So, I assumed you would be at work at this time," he says looking into my eyes with a small smile. he looks a lot better than he did a few weeks ago, but I can tell that the smile is forced. "I was at work all night so I just got off now," I answer placing my phone down on the table.

"and you're not asleep yet? usually when I get home from a long shift I go to bed right after," he says. 'I remember' I want to say but I don't.

"No, I plan on doing other things instead of just going to work and going to sleep after," he nods his head. 'I wish I thought I had done that when we were together' I wanted to say but I didn't.

"what do you plan on doing?" he asks. "I haven't really thought about it yet. Maybe just normal things that I should be doing but don't because I don't have the time," I shrug.

"Do you still read as often as you used to?" He asks. "No, I read at work sometimes but not often and never at home. The only thing a do at home is sleep,"

"When do you eat?" He asks. "I eat at work sometimes," I say. "And at home?" He asks. "I eat toast in the morning but then I go to work and I'm always busy there,"

"When do you have your day off?" He asks. "I have the rest of the day off," I say. "Okay... why don't I take you out for dinner?" He says with a bit of hope in his eyes.

"Derek... I don't know if-" I start. "I know we can't get back to how it used to be, but you said you want to do more than just work and so do I, I still work on the case but I've taken some hours off. I have work in the morning and no sooner and I can't think of a better time. There's still a chance we can fix things, Meredith and I don't if we'll get that chance in the future so we might as well take while it's still here," he says.

"Okay," I answer. "I'll go out with you," I nod smiling small. "I didn't say go it with me I was just talking about dinner, but now that you mention it, we're going out," he smiles. "you just say that to make it sound like we're going on a date," I giggle.

"you said the words 'we're going on a date' which makes it a date. I'll pick you up at eight?" he asks. "yes," I nod smiling. "I'll see you then, Mer," he says before he hands me five dollars. "Derek, I don't you to pay for my coffee," I say still smiling, for some stupid reason I can't stop smiling.

"it's the nice thing to do, goodbye, Mer," he says. "goodbye, Der," I say. he kisses my head out of habit before he walks out of the coffee shop. he never said anything about the woman he was with earlier. I look around the coffee shop and I don't see her anywhere, she must have left.

if he's asking me out on a date then he must not be seeing anyone else but it would be kind of soon for him to be dating anyways because we only broke up a few weeks ago. I pay for the coffee before I leave the coffee shop.

I walked back to my car and left. when I got home I went inside and decided to take a shower. I locked the front door and went into the bathroom. after I showered I got dressed into dark washed jeans and a black blouse, not fancy but I look good.

a while ago I wanted to learn how to cook but work got in the way and then mine and Derek's break up happened and I didn't have the energy to do anything other than go to work which I did all on caffeine.

I went into the kitchen and pulled out the cook book I bought a few weeks ago before I broke up with Derek, I have to stop thinking about him, we're trying to be friends before anything else happens. the one big thing about mine and Derek's relationship was trust, I trusted him so much I was going to let him take my virginity that week but then I walked into his office and saw... you already know what I saw.

after that day I always wondered what would have happened had I not walked in... maybe I was there for a reason, maybe I walked in on them so nothing more could happen. I always used to think the world hated me and that's why things happened but then I met Derek, and then I started believing everything happens for a reason, I mean... there has to be a reason, right?

being Derek was amazing, but Derek didn't kiss her she kissed him. thankfully the woman he was at the coffee shop wasn't the woman he was kissing, I wonder if she still works for him after she ruined his relationship which he seemed to care about a lot considering he was crying more than I was when I broke up with him.

enough about Derek. I looked at the recipe in the recipe book and grabbed all the ingredients and then I took the measuring cups out from the drawers which I also bought recently, I bought a lot of things for baking and cooking recently, I figured if I was going to have a hoppy other than reading it should at least keep me alive.

I took out a bowl and started putting in the right amount of each ingredient. once it was all in I mixed it together, poured it into the tin and put it into the oven that was already pre-heated. of course, I burned myself while doing it but I didn't drop it and it's not a bad burn.

while I was waiting for the cake to be done, I heard my phone start to ring. I went into the living room and took my phone of my purse. I looked at the ID and saw my sister's name. I slid my finger across the green button and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I ask. "Meredith, I need a favor," she says right away. "please don't make it something I'm going to regret," I say checking the timer for the cake. "you won't, I need you to babysit the twins when I come to Seattle," she says.

"why?" I ask. "because I have a job interview," she says excitedly. "you're moving to Seattle!" I ask. "yes, and I need you to watch the twins for me," she says. "when?" I ask. "in a few weeks," she says. "tell me when and I'll see if I can get sometime off of work to watch them," I say.

"Okay, thank you," she says before hanging up. "Bitch," I say taking the phone away from my ear. "I'm still here!" I hear her say loudly. "oh..." I hang up the phone as she starts to say something else. I throw my phone onto the couch and went back into the kitchen.

I picked up my book that I started reading a while ago but hadn't had the time to finish, I used to read this kind of book in a day and this book has already book me over two weeks. and I start reading.

here's a longer chapter. will Merder get back together?? or will something happen? making them further apart then they already are...?

Officer Shepherd✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora