chapter 148

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I go inside and see Logan playing with his cars on the living room floor. I turn around and look at Meredith. she nods and I walk into the living room.

Meredith goes back into the kitchen to finish what she was doing before. I sit down on the couch and watch Logan play for a few seconds.

"Logan... can I talk to you for a bit?" I ask. he ignores me. "Logan, I'm talking to you," I say. he ignores me. "Logan, your father is trying to tell you something," Meredith says.

"Logan," I say. "I have to go potty," he says standing up and walking out of the living room. I get up and walk into the kitchen. I sit on one of the stools by the island.

"I thought you were going to go talk to him," she says, her back facing me. "he had to go to the bathroom," I say.

"he went a few minutes ago when you two were outside," she says. "I thought he went to get a drink of water," I say.

"he did, but then he drank too much and had to go," she says. "so he lied?" I ask. "of course, he lied. would you want to talk to the person who threw a ball at your face?" she says.

"I didn't do it on purpose!" I say. "I know but he thinks that you did," she says, turning around and facing me.

"We should have had a girl," I sigh. "if we had a daughter she would be reacting much worse than how Logan is, if I were his age and my dad did that I would run away," she says.

"how do you know that?" I ask. "because it happened... and he did do it on purpose because I told him multiple times I didn't want to play," she says.

"your childhood is so depressing," I say. she's told me more about her childhood and now I understand why she moved away and hasn't told her parents anything about getting married or having a kid.

"oh, I'm sorry. is it hurting you?" she says sarcastically. "how long do you think it's going to be before he comes out of the bathroom?" I say, changing the subject.

"of the bathroom? he went into his room so I don't think anytime soon," she says. "when did he go into his room?" I say.

"when he said he was going to the bathroom," she says. "how did I not notice that?" I say. "because you don't pay attention, one time you forgot to use oven mitts because you were staring at my ass," she says.

"you have a nice ass," I shrug. "doesn't mean you have to burn yourself because of it, when Nancy found out why she blamed me and said I was a bad wife," she says.

"you're not the best wife all the time," I say, smirking. "shut up," she says. "you kicked me out of bed last night, literally," I say. I was perfectly asleep before I feel her heel in my ass and then I'm on the floor.

"I was asleep I didn't mean to. I apologized and gave you a blow job in return, what more do you want?" she says as she moves around the kitchen doing things.

"my ass is still sore," I say. "now you know how I feel after a few rounds of sex, I don't know how much ass slapping I can take during the day and night, It's always swollen," she says.

"it gives it a good round shape," I say. "you're an idiot," she says. "do you think I should wait until tomorrow to apologize to him?" I say.

"We're going to eat dinner soon, you can tell him then," she says. "if I do he's going to hide in his room and sneak out in the middle of the night to eat when we're all asleep," I say.

"then just say it without telling him you're going to say it, he's two years old he's going to forget about it by tomorrow," she says.

"then why do I have to apologize?" I say. "Derek, just say you're sorry and it'll all be over. what are you so scared of?" she says.

"he's going to hate me," I say. "we'll have plenty more kids that will love you if this one hates you, stop complaining already," she says.

"I listen to you complain," I say. "because I complain about real problems, not worrying about how to apologize to a baby," she says.

"Logan's not a baby," I say. "I was talking about you," she says. I glare at her. "just say it and your done. go into his room and say," she says.

"why now?" I ask. "because Logan likes talking at dinner and if he's mad at you it'll be quiet and I hate it when Logan's quiet, so don't make me suffer the consequences of your actions... go!" she says.

"now?" I say. "yes, now," she says. "fine," I sigh. I get up and walk out of the kitchen and down the hallway.

I walk to Logan's bedroom door and open it. I see him sitting on his bed with his toys. I walk over to him and sit down on the edge of the bed.

"Logan, I didn't mean to hit you when we were outside, I'm sorry," I say. "no, you're not," he says before he runs out of the room.

"Mommy!" I hear him says. "Daddy's annoying me again!"

 "Daddy's annoying me again!"

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