chapter 113

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he couldn't do it. he pulled away before Addison could lay a hand on him. "I thought we had a deal?" she said frustrated.

"we do, but not until I know Meredith and the baby will be safe. and I want to say goodbye to her first," he said taking a few more steps back.

"ugh," she rolled her eyes. "if I say yes will you shut up about the stupid girl and the dumb baby?" she asked. he wanted to jump in and defend Meredith and his unborn child but he knew there was no use.

he nodded 'yes' and she removed her fingers from inside her. she stuck them in her mouth, licking and sucking off her own wetness as she picked up her phone and called someone.

she started speaking into the phone but he couldn't make out what she was saying. after a minute or two she hung up the phone.

"you can see her and then say goodbye but I need to be there so you don't do anything stupid," she said.

he nodded. "I also have to make a phone call before we leave," he said grabbing his phone from the nightstand.

"to who?" she asked. "I dropped Meredith's niece off at my mom's and I need to let her know that I'll be a bit later than I said," he says. Addison nods understandably.

he took his phone out of the room and walked down the hallway as he dialed in a number. "hello?" he heard on the other end.

"Meredith?" he asked, surprised that she would pick up. he figured someone else would have her phone or she wouldn't be able to get to it.

"is Addison with you?" she asked. "yes, but I'm down the hallway so she can't hear me," he said walking further down the hall.

"does Addison speak Italian?" she asked. "No, why?" he answered. "speak to me in Italian, just in case she hears she won't know you're talking to me," she said.

"Okay," he answered. "where are you?" he asked in Italian. "I don't know where I am, but it does look familiar. I think this is Andrew's place," she said.

"you think they're working together?" he asked, in Italian. "they could be. she's you're crazy ex and he's my crazy ex. It wouldn't surprise me if they were," she answered back.

"just be careful, please. I need to know you and the baby are alive," he said as he felt tears build up in his eyes.

"me and the baby are fine. It's Andrew, as long as I do what he says and don't give him a hard time he's not going to do anything. I also told him I'm giving the baby up for adoption so that's not a worry in his head," she said.

"why would you tell him that?" he asked, in Italian. "because if I didn't make something up he was going to kill him. he wants me to have his child, not yours," she said.

"Alright. just stay there and keep your location on. how did you get your phone?" he asked. "I convinced Andrew to let me keep it," she said. she sounded calm. she didn't sound like she was hurt and she didn't sound in distress.

"how-I don't want to know, do I?" he said. "no," she answered back. "Okay, bye Meredith. I love you," he said as a tear fell from his cheek

"I love you too, Derek. goodbye," she said before hanging up the phone. he didn't tell her about the deal he had made with Addison.

he couldn't tell her, it would hurt her too much and she didn't need that, especially with being pregnant and all.

he hung up the phone and dialed another number into his phone. this time, he called his boss. he told her to gather the best cops and to have them all arrive at one location. and to be there when he got there.

he looked at Meredith's location and sent it to his boss. she agreed to it after he told her what it was about. even though he was never going to see Meredith or his child after this, he needed to make sure they were safe and he needed to hear it from the people he trusted and worked with.

he hung up the phone again and went back inside the hotel. he needed to wait a bit before going to the address where Meredith so he needed to distract Addison.

he went back up to the hotel room and opened the door to see Addison laying on his side of the bed, still naked.

as he walked inside he closed the door behind him. "I'm on your side because it smells like you, and that side smells weird," she said.

He walked over to Meredith's side of the bed and sat down on the edge. he grabbed her pillow and held it in his arms. he pressed his face into and could smell the comforting smell of lavenders, expect now it wasn't so comforting, Addison was here and Meredith was not.

"you wanna go say goodbye to the girl yet?" she asked. "we have some time, let's talk first," he said, not moving from his spot. he was a cop, he shouldn't feel this useless in a case like this.

"like what?" she asked confused. "it's been years since we talked, Addison. a lot has happened in those years, we should catch up," he said.

"Okay..." she said. he asked one question which was about her parents and she ended up going on and on about her entire life after him.

she made it sound as if living without him almost killed her, but what he failed to tell her was that living without her made everything in his life better.

he could never study because Addison was always at his place. talking, moving, more talking. she would always want attention when he was busy doing something else.

when his mother would call him down to help with the dishes or with the laundry she would always ask 'why can't your sisters do it?' his sister's were studying for their exams coming up and Amelia was still young at that time.

and when it was time for him to study she would sit on his desk, write and draw on his work. mess him up when he wasn't paying attention, such as turning the page when he was distracted by his work causing him to write down the wrong thing.

it infuriated him but he couldn't say anything because if he did Addison would overreact or she would make up some lie to get him in trouble.

but when her family moved to another state because of her father's new job everything was much easier for him.

he didn't have to wait until Addison left at three in the morning to study. he got more sleep and he was much happier. she also wasn't there to ask a thousand questions about who he was going out with, even if it was only a few guy friends she would never believe him and make him stay home.

he never realized how toxic the relationship was until she moved. he was thankful he met Meredith when he did because if he hadn't he wouldn't know what he would be doing with his life at this moment. but it probably wouldn't be getting married in a few months or having a child.

but now he was back where he was twenty years ago.

suggestions for the next part??

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