chapter 112

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Derek is laying in bed with his arms behind his head. he looks over at Emily who is fully dressed and clean.

he decided to let Meredith sleep in today since last night she was in a lot of pain and her body needed the rest.

Emily didn't look as girly as she did most day because Derek wasn't sure how to dress a five-year-old girl.

he gave her a bath and brushed out her hair before dressing her in a pink dress that she had picked out.

he had called his mother a about half an hour ago asking if he could drop Emily off for a bit so they could have some alone time.

Carolyn knew not to ask questions about her sons sex life and she didn't need to remind him to use protection due to the circumstances they were in and she said yes.

he wasn't sure when he would drop her off but he now knew it would be soon because all he did while he was laying in bed was think about Meredith and how her naked body would look under his.

his cock filling her over and over and over until she screamed out his name in pleasure as her warm liquids dripped down his hard cock while she rode him.

all the thoughts were making her hard and horny, two things he should not be feeling while his five-year-old soon to be niece was in the room.

he got up and told Emily to grab her bags and that he was going to drop her off at his mother's now.

he had informed her about it earlier so she was prepared to leave.

they left the hotel and he drove her to his mothers. he handed her Emily's bag and thanked her before he went back to his car and drove back.

as he was making his way down the hall he heard movement in the hotel room.

he figured Meredith would be up by so he unlocked the front door with his keycard and walking into the room.

as he closed the door behind him he saw the wrong woman in his bedroom. he was Addison was naked standing at the foot of the bed instead of Meredith.

he had assumed Meredith would still be in bed since he wasn't gone very long, but when he looked at the spot where Meredith once laid there was nothing and no one there.

Meredith was gone.

there was no way Meredith could have been out of the hotel in such little time: he thought. but when he walked into the bathroom Meredith wasn't in there either and there were no other room Meredith possibly could have been in.

"where the hell is she?" he asked as he walked back into the bedroom area. he was filled with rage, hurt, fear. he was even more terrified when it had just came to him she was also almost seven months pregnant.

his mind was filled with so much confusion and fear that he had almost forgotten that Meredith was pregnant with his son, that still didn't have a name.

he knew there were cases where women gave birth a one or two months early and If that happened he had no idea what to do.

Meredith didn't want a natural birth because she as scared she would have a still birth, the first time she thought her baby was dead created a fear that hadn't went away of the baby dying. and in order to avoid that she didn't want a natural birth.

and if Meredith did go into labor two months early she would be forced to have a natural birth and the entire time she would be scared of the risk of a still birth. or the baby could be in the wrong position and a natural birth would break either the baby's leg or his neck.

he had never understood Meredith's fear of a natural birth anymore then he did right at this moment. now all he could think about is Meredith going into labor two months early.

"you said there was nothing I could do to make you fall in love with me and that you would always love Meredith," she said as she slowly sat down on the edge of the bed.

"and that hasn't changed nor will it," he said as he continued to look at her face. all he wanted to do was curl his hand into a fist and punch her until she told him where Meredith was but he knew that would do nothing and Addison would most likely enjoy the attention from him, even if all she felt was pain.

"I know. but if I have to suffer without you then you have to suffer without her," she said, slowly trailing her hand from her breast down to her wet center that had only became wet from just looking at him.

it bothered him that she was getting off from this. "I'll make you a deal," he started. her eyebrows raised as she was intrigued and also a bit surprised that he would give in this quick, there had to be a catch.

"you bring her back and I'll give you what you want?" he says. "you couldn't shut up about how much you loved her yesterday and now suddenly you're willing to give her up that easy? I find that hard to believe," she answered as she inserted one of fingers into her, letting out a small whimper. she sounded like a dog being kicked.

"I love Meredith more than anything in this world. she'll be fine without me. she was my child and I will be in that child... she no longer needs me, if this is what it takes for you to let her go and live freely with our son then so be it," he says. it hurt to hear the words coming out of his own mouth but he needed to make sure Meredith and his son were safe, even if that meant never seeing either of them for the rest of his life.

"deal," she smiled, entering another finger. "now come help me finish myself off," she smirked. he hesitated a bit before he forced himself to walk closer to her.

he was doing this for Meredith and the baby, he was doing this for Meredith and the baby, he was doing this for Meredith and the baby: he had to tell himself over and over.

before he did the thing he would dread most in his life...

I feel like I can write so much better and so much more in third pov then in first. so I might write in third more. thoughts??

I was going to start another story, but I've just read another merder story pretty similar to it and I don't want to write the same thing. I was going to write my previous story 'desperate desire' but with Meredith and Derek instead of Athena and Dominic.

Meredith would have been a homicide detective trying to solve the murders in her town and Derek was going to be the killer and an Italian mafia leader. it was going to be a kidnapping, enemies to lovers, forced marriage trope. would you still want me to write it??

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