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it was time for my and Derek's date. I took a long hot shower, exfoliated, shaved, and washed my hair. I dried my hair, curled it, did my skincare, brushed my teeth, and did my makeup then got dressed.

once I was ready. I waited until there was a knock at the door. I went and answered the door. I opened it and saw Derek. "hey, how... you look gorgeous," he says looking at me after I opened the door. "thank you," I blush.

we leave and he takes me out to the restaurant.

as we were eating he started asking me some questions.

"how's work?" he asked. "it's good," I say. "what kind of nurse are you?" he asks looking up at me for a second before looking back at his plate. "um... I work at a mental hospital," I say. I only ever told him that I would be a nurse but didn't say what kind.

"you work with crazy people?" he chuckles softly. "that's not what we call them, but yes," I answer. I continue to look at my plate. for some reason, I can't look at him and I don't know why. "it's it hard working with people with mental illnesses?" he asks.

"yes, I have some friends that are regular nurses and E.R nurses and they say that there have some crazy patients there but they only have that sometimes and what I do I have those patients every day,"

"ever had one try and kill you?" he jokes. "yes," he looks up at me with a shocked look on his face. "what was the reason?" he asks. "he thought I was his ex-wife who killed all their children, apparently I look like her," I shrug.

"if she killed the kids then why is he in a mental hospital and not her?" he asked. "because he killed her for killing them," I say. "you're not scared to go to work because of the crazier patients?" he asked. "No, I'm rarely alone with them and they give me a small alarm button to press for when I am alone"

"have any of the patients killed other patients?" he asked. "not for as long that I've worked there, but in the past, yes. some of the patients were worse with me because I'm still kind of new and they try to scare the newer people that work there,"

"anyways, enough about me, how is your work going?" I asked. "the case is fine, I only work on it during the day, so far every person we catch that we think is the killer they end up being someone hired by the killer and they won't say a word, I visit each one of them in their cells to see if they get tired of they will say something, anything, but they never do,"

"he chooses his workers very well then," I say. "yes, he does," he says.

"you said you were going to do more today than just work, what else did you do? other than going out with me," he says smirking at the last part making me blush a bit. I'm blushing over a stupid smirk, I'm an idiot for falling for him again but I'm not sure I ever stopped.

"I took up baking," I say before letting out a breath. "which I'm not the best at, but my opinion doesn't really matter to me and I'm going to be babysitting my twin niece and nephew so I might have then give me their opinion on my baking," I say.

"twin niece and nephew?" he asks. "yes, I told you I have a sister, Lexie," I say. "I didn't know she had kids," he says a bit confused as to why I didn't tell him. "I didn't really think on it I guess," I shrug. "is she married? if she has kids," he says.

"No, she got pregnant by her stupid ex-boyfriend who told her he would be with her forever and help her with anything and then when she told him she was pregnant with a baby he left for a week and she didn't think he was going to come back, we told her he wasn't worth the wait. but then he came back after two weeks, apologized and told her he would never do it again, she believed him and then when she told him it was twins he left again, she thought he would come back in two weeks like last time but he never did," I say.

"he just left her pregnant with twins?" he asked. "yes, I and my mother were supportive which made her feel a bit better but when my father found out he was furious, he didn't like that she was pregnant with one baby let alone two. they haven't spoken ever since and he's never met the twins,"

"... are you and your sister close?" he asks. "yes, I hated her when she was born, tried killing her once, but I got used to her presence after a year or two," I say. "you tried killing her? how did you do that?" he asks. "you won't judge or see me as a psychopath?" I ask. "I'll do my best," he nods.

"I filled up and tub with hot water and tried that but she only cried and I didn't want my parents to hear so I tried drowning her," I say quickly. "you did what!" he says a little loudly and some people looked at us, I looked at them and smiled and they looked away.

"I was five and I regret it now, I love Lexie now that she doesn't cry anymore," I shrug. "Well, I guess that's a good thing..." he says. "I'm not a bad sister," I say looking at him for a second before looking away. "I didn't say you were,"

we talked a bit more about his family and I found out more about his sister and he talked about his best friend mark that started working in the same station as him, they had been friends since they were three and met at pre-school, I think it's cute that they've been friends for so long.

after we finished eating dinner, he paid and drove me back to my place. he walked me up to my floor and to my place, and we stopped at my front door. "tonight was fun, thank you for this, it was really nice getting out to somewhere nice after being in a hospital for so long," I smile as I hold my clutch tightly.

"I'm glad you didn't get scared when I asked," he smiles. "Well, I'm trying to get over the whole 'I hate Derek shepherd' thing," I giggle. "you hated me?" he asks with a hurt look on his face. "I tried hating you, but it didn't really go well. if I hated you I wouldn't have said yes if I hated you," I say. he nods.

"goodnight, Meredith," he says before he leans down and kisses my cheek. "I still love you, more than I did three weeks ago," he says as he pulls away and I feel the tears starting to burn my eyes. "goodnight, Derek," I smile. I walk back into my 'house' before closing and locking it.

I took a deep breath and took off my heels with my hands. I carried them into my bedroom leaving all the lights off. I turned on my bedroom light on. I put away my shoes and go into the bathroom. I take off my makeup, wash my face, changed into sweatpants and one of Derek's shirts that I still have, and tie my hair up.

I walk back into the bedroom, turn the lights off and lay down in bed. I pick up my book and put on my book light, turn it on and start reading. after almost an hour of reading, I put everything away and lie down. I fall asleep soon after.

another decently long chapter! I don't know when I want to make them get back together... don't do what I do and make it a kinda slow burn, especially if I'm reading your book I'm reading 'it ends with us' and that's enough pain.

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