Chapter 95

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Todays the day Meredith gets to go home. While we were at the hospital Meredith got an ultrasound done and found out the gender.

The doctor put it in an envelope so Meredith could look at it, I didn't want to know until the birth. I helped Meredith into the front seat of the car and closed the door.

I went around the car and got into the drivers seat. 

"are you sure you're okay?" I ask.

"yes, I'm fine. I'm not scared of cars just because I was in a car accident," she says.

"my mother called this morning," I say.


"what did she want?" I ask.

"well, yesterday I called her and told her about the accident," he says.

"of course, you did," I roll my eyes.

"did you tell them about Daniel, too?" I ask.

"No, you can say whatever you want to her when you speak to her," he says.

"what did she want?" I ask.

"she wanted to know when the next time we could find the time to visit New York," he says.

"I don't know, we have to take Emily and she's still in the hospital," I say.

"they're bringing her out soon. and Emily isn't a hard kid, she's quiet, she's well behaved, she's shy so she won't talk to any strangers and she'll stay by us. and my mom always has little kids other so she won't be alone," he says.

"I still have broken bones, you know?" I say.

"yes, I know. but the only thing that really needs to heal before we leave is your incision. you can leave with a broken arm and your head is already healed," he says

"you think Emily is ready to meet your family?" I ask.

"she's not marrying into the family and becoming an in-law so I'm sure she'll be fine. the kids are nothing like their parents.. yet so she should have no problem with the kids... other than Nancy's oldest, she's kind of a pain in the ass so that may be the only problem," he says.

"or Nancy could be the problem," I say.

"Meredith, she doesn't know you well enough to judge you or your niece," he says.

"fine, but what about her dad, her dad still thinks... Daniel's alive and he still wants them both. what if he tries suing me for killing his kid and gets custody of Emily?" I say, holding back a small sob.

"you wanna get full custody of her so you won't have to worry about him anymore?" he asks.

"I suppose," I say.

"How about we stay in New York for some time to take a break. You lost someone you love and we still have to tell Emily... getting away will be good for you two," he says.

"Yea... okay," I say softly.

"And we don't have to stay at my moms, she'll make us visit everyday but a hotel will work best," he says.

"Thank you," I smile. He leans in and kisses my softly.

As we pull away, one of the nurses opens the car door and places Emily in her car seat as she's still asleep. We thank her and she closes the door and leaves.

"We should go now, she needs her rest," I say.

"So do you, you're body's been through a lot and I want you to rest as well," Derek says as he pulls out of the parking lot.

"I'm not stressed, Derek. Everything should be fine," I say.

"I know, but you could just be pushing it down and it will eventually come up and that's not good for you. Maybe you should see someone," he says.

"Derek, people lose people all the time and it don't go to therapy, I'll be fine," I say.

"Not everybody loses their children," he says.

"Daniel wasn't mine. He was Lexies" I say.

"He was your nephew," he says.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore, let's just go home," I say.

"Do you want to shower when you get home? I can help you," he says changing the subject.

"Yes, a shower would be nice," I say.

"Okay, we'll do that after we put Emily to bed," he says. I nod and we drive back home.

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