Chapter 137

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I woke up to the sound of Logan crying. I sit up and roll his bassinet closer to me.

I lift him up and unbutton a few buttons on my shirt before he latches on. after he's fed, I pull him away and fix my shirt.

I grab a burp cloth and burp him. after he's finished I get out of bed and take him into the nursery.

I lay him down on the changing table. I change his diaper and throw his dirty clothes into the laundry basket.

I get a clean pair of clothes and put them on him. I lift him into my arms and sit down on the rocking chair.

I lean my head back against the chair and rock back and forth slowly. I feel Logan start to stir a bit in my arms.

I bounce him a bit but he continues to fuss. I stand up and walk around the room to see if that helps. but he keeps fussing and he starts to cry.

"ugh," I groan as I walk over to the closet. I look in one of the baskets and see one of the small stuffed animals I bought for him before he was born. it's a little white bear.

"do you want this?" I say holding it on his chest. he wraps his small hand around the head and pulls it to his mouth.

he stops fussing as he plays with his the teddy bear. I sit back down in the rocking chair and lay the side of his head on my chest as he chews on the bears head.

"does that taste good?" I whisper kissing the top of his head as he coos.

"Meredith!" I hear Derek say from the bedroom.

"your Daddy thinks we left. let's go see him," I say as I stand up and leave the room.

I walk back into the bedroom and see Derek standing naked at the foot of the bed.

"what are you doing?" I say as I cover Logan's eyes. "I was looking for you, why are you awake?" he says.

"because Logan's awake and when he's awake I'm awake," I say. "you didn't wake me up," he says.

"you're a big boy you can wake up on your own," I say.

"is he fed?" he says pointing to Logan. "and changed, he was a little grumpy but I found a teddy bear that fixed the problem," I say looking down at him as he still holds the teddy bear to his mouth.

"when did we get that?" he asks. "I bought it at the baby store a few months before he was born... you weren't paying attention, were you?" I say.

"No, guys don't really care about those kind of things, he's going to get attached to that thing and it's going to be like a security blanket," he says.

"so, that's cute," I shrug as I sway back and forth rubbing Logan's little arm.

"it's not cute when they're 18," he says. "it's not that big of a deal, we'll deal with it when he's older," I say.

"but he's going to look stupid if he takes it to school," he whines. "the only person that look stupid right now is you," I say.

"you did this to me," he says. "I didn't take your clothes off, I was asleep," I say. "you sleep so close to me and it get's hot," he says.

"it's not that warm, and if it is just move me," I say. "I did, and you're the one who won't let us get an air conditioner," he say.

"our son will not be an ice cube, but you can get a fan," I say.

"and for some reason it's freezing in here," he says. "I know, I can tell," I say starring at his balls.

"don't stare," he rolls his eyes and goes into the bathroom.

"he won't be naked a lot when your older so don't worry about that," I say sitting down on the bed and kissing his forehead.

"he can't understand you!" Derek says from the bathroom. "don't worry, I won't yell while I'm holding you, I'm not going to make you cry," I say kissing his cheek.

"and stop kissing him, you're going to spoil him!" he says. "let's go see your cousin Emily, your Daddy's getting annoying," I say standing up and going into the living room.

"I'm going to put you in here and then I'm going to go make breakfast for when Emily wakes up," I say setting him in the swing.

I place a thick blanket on top of him to keep him warm since it is a bit cold. I kiss his forehead and move his hand up so he can hold the bear.

I go into his nursery and find some of his mittens. I go back into the living room and put them on him.

I go into the kitchen and make breakfast. after I finish cooking I plate everything and go into Emily's room.

"are you hungry? I made something you something to eat," I say. "I feel sick," she says. "why don't you come eat something and then you can go back to bed," I say.

I leave the room and wait for Emily. I sit on the couch and a few minutes later Derek comes out of the bedroom.

"how was your shower, warm?" I say as he walks over to me. "yes, very. much warmer than you," he says as he sits next to him and kisses me on the lips.

"where's Logan?" he asks. "what do you think that is?" I say pointing to Logan.

"why does he keep eating that?" he says. "because he likes, you eat things you like," I say earning a smirk from him.

"stop smirking at me, I made you breakfast, go eat it," I say pushing his shoulder. "what if I want to eat you instead?" he says as he kisses me on the lips and pushes me against the couch.

"we... don't have time... for this," I say in-between kisses. "Emily's still in her room," he says, kissing my cheek down to my neck.

"she's going to come out soon, and Logan's in the same room," I say. "he's eating his bear and in the meantime I can eat his mother's-" he says as he get's on his knees in front of me. "No! go eat your breakfast,"  I say laughing.

"I'm not hungry for that," he whines. then there's a knock at the door. "saved by the bell, you can go get it," I say standing up and going into the kitchen to eat my breakfast.

 "saved by the bell, you can go get it," I say standing up and going into the kitchen to eat my breakfast

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