Chapter 100

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it was time for the burial. we stood around the casket as the priest spoke from the bible.

Lexie never showed up even though Derek said he sent her an invitation which just shows how much she cared for her children. Jake did show up and he glared at me every second he got.

I'm pretty sure he would have done something if Derek wasn't standing next to me every second.

my parents never looked at me except for the time when they got here and when they gave their fake speech about how much my mother loved and cared for Daniel.

she cried a bit but she didn't actually cry. she made some noises and scrunched up her face in the fakest way. but not a single tear.

nobody shed a tear, not even I did but I had already cried about it when I found out at the hospital and I will probably cry another time when the emotions hit me and it might be worse due to the hormones of pregnancy.

as the priest continued to speak he stepped on the button that would lower the casket into the ground slowly by the red ribbons under it.

as the casket lowered to the ground I felt a small tug at mine. I looked down and saw Emily looking up at me with tears in her eyes.

I bent down a bit and lifted her into my arms before setting her down on my hip. she pressed her face into my shoulder as she let out a few small sobs.

I gently ran my hand up and down her back soothingly.

once the casket was in the ground, I walked away with Emily. I took her a few feet away and she started sobbing louder.

she eventually calmed down and the funeral soon came to an end. "you said you were taking her to therapy?" I hear Cristina ask.

"yea, I don't know how to help a child grieve," I say. "that's a good idea," she says. we say our goodbyes before Cristina leaves.

everyone leaves until it's just Derek, Emily, Emily's dad, and me.

as I'm holding Emily Jake walks over to me.

"So, I heard you killed my kid," he says with a smirk on his lips.

"It's not like you wanted him anyways," I say:

"So that means kill him?" He asks. "I didn't kill him, the car was parked and somebody crashed in from behind," I say.

"Where were you?" He asks. "I was in the car, we were in traffic," I say. "Lame excuse. Where was your dumb boyfriend?"

"Wasn't working," I say. "So there's so proof you were parked," he says.

"He's dead. I wouldn't make a difference if we were parked or not, It was from behind and I didn't see it and even if I did there was traffic in front of me," I say.

"That's what you say," he says. I walk away and put Emily in the car. I turn around and fall back onto the car and feel a sharp pain in my cheek.

"What the hell!" I hear Derek yell before Jake is on the ground bleeding.

"Meredith, go in the car," Derek says as he walks over to me and puts his hand on my arm.

I get into the car and he goes to the driver's seat and drives away. "Are you okay, should we stop at the hospital?" He asks.

"No, drive," I say. "Meredith you're-" he says. "Drive, I don't need a damn hospital Derek," I say.

he doesn't say anything else and continues driving to the airport. "what happened?" I hear Emily ask.

"Nothing happened, sweetie," I tell her. "but you have an owie on your face," she says. "I'll be fine," I tell her.

Derek looks at me for a second before looking back at the road like he's scared I'm going to yell at him.

"Emily, have you ever been on a plane?" Derek asks. "No, is it scary?" she asks. "a little but nothing is going to happen. the plane is going to take us to New York," he says. "okay," she says

"What if the plane crashes?" Emily says. Derek gives me a look and I try to hide my smile. Why the fuck am I smiling? that's sad that she thinks about that.

He gently smacks my thigh before he answers her question.

"There's going to be people on the plane who are going to make sure nothing bad happens and there's going to be a pilot flying the plane," he says.

"Are you sure?" She asks. "A hundred percent," he says before glaring at me making me smile as I turn to look out the window.

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