Chapter Sixty Nine | Lost In Love

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"Wow! I always knew such a day would come!" Nakul exclaimed extremely delighted on the news accompanied by the cheers of Bheem and Sahadev whereas Yudhistir didnt seem much pleased to the idea of a girl like Drishti being added to their family.

Meanwhile Draupadi and Subhadra were staring at the two men standing together whom they always had their whole faith in now being hurt by them in cruelest way.

"Let's send the news to Hastinapur as well," Krishna smiled looking at all of them, "That Drishti is getting married to Arjun."


"Open the door, Drishti!" Draupadi banged at the large wooden door mercilessly but there was not a single sound that came from inside.

"I cant understand what has happened to her," Subhadra spoke furiously, "Why would she agree to marrying Arya?"

The whole day went down and there was not a single time Drishti herself came out or let anyone in. She sat in the same place by the wall, hugging her knees as her eyes concentrated on absolutely nothing. She had long forgotten what was happening, had happened or was going to happen.

The only thing that played in her numb mind was his voice, picture, laugh and just everything related to him. He let her go. He didnt choose her. He didnt really love her more than anything because clearly there was still something that was more valuable to him. And, oh, how it kept on breaking her.

She was amazed by the capacity of pain she could take and still breath. How was she even still alive? Well she technically wasnt. Breathing and being alive are two different things. Yes, the heart organ still worked and yet she felt far from being alive.

She still couldnt believe that now it had all really come to end. It was all finished between him and her. Now it made her wonder that everytime he smiled at her, called her beautiful, held her hand and said he loved her, was that even real? Or had she been dreaming all the time.

It was hard to believe that what she felt so strongly could be a lie too.


Two days later when the news reached Hastinapur and all the royal family members who had gathered in the assembly hall to hear curiously what information had come from Indraprastha. Vidhur got up unrolling the scroll to be read as he began.

"I, Vasudev Krishna," Vidhur began and everyone's eyebrows shot up on knowing the letter was from Krishna, "Feel the extremest pleasure and delight to inform King Dhritrashtra and his family that it has been decided with mutual agreement, Drishti will be marrying Pandava Kumar Arjun as soon as possible!-"

"WHAT?!" Duryodhan, Dushasan and Mamashree all stood up abruptly with the most perplexed, shocked and betrayed looks on their faces. "What is this nonsense!"

"The Pandavas have lost their minds!"

"I told you we shouldnt have let her stay with them for this long!"

"Let's go Dushasan, we'll bring her right now-"

"Stop, Duryodhan!" Pitamah stopped the eldest Kaurav who already started leaving the hall along with his brothers with rage filling his viens.

"We cant stay here any longer after hearing such an absurd news, Pitamah," Duryodhan snarled, "They have been torturing Drishti there, we need to get her back to her home!"

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