Khapter (29) Tuttugu ok Níu ~That Time Liv Took Part In A Wedding

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I can't believe I saw the day.

Howard Stark getting married. And to the girl he was so fond of that he met at the diner.

The two had been "going out", as Howard put it, for quite some time. I do not know how the poor girl managed to deal with him, and I don't even know how he convinced her to marry him.

Believe me, I have asked but I still do not understand.

Howard asked for me to be the officiant at the wedding.

I will say that I may have had a bigger part in them being together than I'll admit.

After the two had been together for a couple of years, I allowed Howard to tell her of my history, if he so wished. And he must have, because I got a call from Maria not that long after, asking if we could meet.

I told her that we could meet up in a week, as that was when I was going to come back to America to visit Howard and Peggy. I had been back home with Aria in Iceland for a while and had been meaning to go back to the states and visit.

When I arrived, Howard's butler, Edwin Jarvis, picked me up from the airport and took me straight to Howard's penthouse in the city. He always lets me stay there while he stays at his mansion with Maria.

After getting settled, there was a knock on the door. When I opened it, Maria Carbonell was there, standing at the door with an almost nervous air around her.

"Maria! When you said you wanted to mean I didn't think it would be ten minutes after I arrived." I joked moving out of the way so she could enter.

"I'm truly sorry about this, Liv. I just-I needed some help. My mind has been restless since Howard had told me about your powers."

"Tea?" I asked as she sat down in the living room and I made my way to the kitchen.

"If you don't mind," She nodded. I was already familiar with the large apartment, so it was easy to find the kettle and start it on the stove after filling it with water.

"So, what is it you wanted to ask me?" I sat in the chair across from her as I waited for the water to boil.

"I need you to do something for me. A-a favor, of sorts." She nervously started.

"And that would be..."

"I need you to watch over Howard with your powers." She blurted.

My eyes went wide. "You want me to what?"

"I know, I know." She stood up, pacing in front of her chair. "It's just that Howard has been acting very very strange recently, but he refuses to tell me what is wrong with him."

"And you think he's hiding something from you?"

"I know he is! I just don't know what. He's been so secretive, and sometimes when I walk into a room, he'll just leave! I think-" She sat back down, looking sad and...heartbroken. "I think he's cheating on me."

"Oh, Maria." I went over and crouched down in front of her, pulling her hands away from her face. "How about this? I shall see what he is doing right now, and if I can't find anything notable, I shall talk to him. He knows better than to lie to me, of all people."

Maria thought for a moment, before nodding her head in agreement. I stood from my spot, going to the couch and sitting down cross-legged in front of it.

"This may take a moment." I closed my eyes, taking my wings out and spreading them.

"Wow." I heard the whisper come from Maria.

"Where are you, Howard Stark?"

Maria's POV ~

I watched as one of Liv's feathers started glowing a bright gold from its original brown.

"I found him." Her eyes practically shot open.

"What's he doing?"

"He is talking to Edwin in his study." She mumbled.

"What are they talking about?" I walked over, sitting down in front of Liv on the floor. I admit, when Howard had told me about Liv's powers, I thought he was finally losing his mind. But here I was, in front of a lady with wings using magic.

I watched as Liv was in her trance, almost seeming like she was listening to whatever Howard and Jarvis were talking about, before a large smile broke out across her face.

"Liv? What is it what did they say?"

Liv closed her eyes before opening them again, a glint now there that wasn't before, and put her wings away. How she puts them away I have no clue, but still, they somehow disappeared.

"Liv? What did they say?" I asked again when she didn't answer. She seemed to have snapped out of her trance then, finally looking me in the eyes.

"You do not need to worry, Maria." She smiled brightly, placing her hand on my knee. "Howard is not cheating on you, or anything of the sort."

"Then what were they talking about? What's he been doing?"

"Making his sister proud." 

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