Khapter (5) Fimm ~ That Time Liv Met Her Valkyrie

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"Listen to my feathers.

Listen to my feathers.

What the bloody HELL does Listen to my feathers mean?!"

Liv had been pacing in the forest outside of the palace for what seemed like hours, mumbling to herself the whole time. Aria had been sitting by for about twenty minutes before laying down and taking a small cat nap.

"Ok Liv," She told herself, stopping her pacing and sitting crossed-legged on the ground with the backs of her hands on their respective knee. "Just, focus. You've done this before, right? Just do it again. Like when you found Aria and Fenris. Listen."

Liv sat quietly, trying to focus on her wings. After about a minute though, she gave up.

"This is ridiculous! How is it that I can do it many times on accident, but when actually trying to do it everything goes to rubbish?!" She shouted, throwing her arms in the air and practically throwing herself on the ground so she was laying down, her wings quickly moving out of the way so she didn't squish them.

With all of the yelling, Aria woke up, and upon seeing her friend in distress, walked over and laid her top half on Liv's chest and stomach, purring the whole time.

"Thanks, Ari." She chuckled and pet the giant lioness, thankful for her companion's bid to calm her.

Liv settled more comfortably under the giant cat, once again closing her eyes. This time, however, instead of just hearing the birds, or the wind lightly blowing, or the occasional twig snap that Aria would always growl at, she heard a voice.

Then another.

And then a few more.

Liv tried not to get too excited, focusing on all of the voices at once.

Using the same power that helped her get Aria and Fenris all those years ago, she used it on the people's voices.

"Come to me."


Liv sat with Aria for what felt like forever, but was really only about fifteen minutes, waiting patiently for the mystery people to come find her. Liv had kept her magic on the mystery people, letting her know how far or close they were to her location so she knew when everyone was there.

Because of this, she wasn't surprised when the first twig snapped.

Aria's head snapped in the direction of the noise, her protective side coming out as she slowly got into a pouncing position and let out a quiet growl.

"It's ok, Ari. I asked them to come." I stepped beside the lioness, putting my hand on her head to try and calm her. I think the only reason she even sat back down was that she could feel my magic leaving the woman's body's when they came close enough.

"Your highness!" One of the ladies yelled, dropping to one knee and putting her fist over her heart, all of the others following her example. "Apologies, Princess Liv. I do not know why we all have come here."

I looked out to the group of women to see if I recognized any of them. A few seemed to be normal townspeople, but there were a couple I recognized as maids or healers in the palace, and there were even a couple high ranking female Asgardian warriors.

"Yes, I do believe I owe each of you an explanation. Some of you know of my sister's army, yes?" The few from the palace nodded their heads, but most of the others stayed silent.

"My sister has her own army- an extension, if you will, to the Asgardian army. When needed, they will join her in whatever battle she intends to partake in. As you know my sister is the goddess of death, so if any of these warriors die in the battle my sister is leading, they become part of her army of the undead. This is all willingly, I must add, as none of these brave warriors are being forced to serve Hela." I quickly added as a few of the women started to acquire nervous looks.

"Like my sister, I have been given my own army. You." The women, almost at the same time, stood from their kneeling positions and started questioning what I meant. "I know you have your doubts as to how this could be," I raised my voice over the crowd, silencing them. "But you must believe me when I say that each and every one of you are a warrior at heart, whether you know it or not."

"Your highness, if I may," One of the women that I recognized as a palace maid, Raya, raised her hand a bit. I nodded, allowing her to speak. "How do you even know it is some of us that are to be led by you in battle? I, for one, am just a lowly kitchen maid."

"I assure you, Raya. I assure all of you, in fact, that you are the ones. Now, I would never force any of you to join this dangerous group of warriors, so any who do not wish to even entertain the idea anymore may leave."

"Princess, I am deeply sorry, but I can not join you in this." A red-haired woman I did not recognize spoke up. "I am a stay-at-home wife with children at home, and my husband is a part of the Royal Gard. If I were to join, there would be no one to take care of the work at home as well as the children, and I would be risking my children becoming orphans if both my husband and I were some type of warrior. I can not do that to them." She went back down to her knee, head bowed and fist to her chest.

I walked up to the woman, all the others moving out of the way for me. I put my hand on her shoulder, and when she looked up, I helped her to stand.

"What is your name, dear?"


"Dalia. I am grateful for the time you have given me, and I thank you for your dedicated service as a mother. I am sure you do a wonderful job running your household. I do implore you, though that if you ever need anything, anything at all, do not be afraid to come to me for aid. I am sure the same can be said for most of these women, I hope." I look around, and there were several others who eagerly nodded their heads in agreement, making me smile.

"Princess Liv, I regret to say that I also cannot join you. You see, I am the only provider in my family, as my mother has passed and my father has been ill. I also must take care of my baby brother, as he is too young to be in school." A blond woman spoke up, bowing her head and putting her fist over her chest like Maya.

"I understand. Is there anyone else who wishes to leave now?" I look around, but no one says anything. "Very well. Now, before you two leave, and this goes for all of you," I pointed out, making sure all of the Ladys knew this applied to them too. "I must say that if you would like I could help you both with providing for your families, as joining me would then make you be of royal importance. Your children would also be able to stay with the royal child care, where there would be a place for your family to learn and meet others their own age. I can also personally help with any medical necessities your family may need."

After a pause, Raya slowly shook her head, apologized, and left. The other woman, Dalia, took me up on my offers and stayed.

I officially had my army.

Now they just had to learn how to be one. 

Over the Centuries | Avengersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें