Eigi Khapterr! ~ Not A Chapter!

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Hello everyone! Before beginning, I thought it may be helpful to some of you if I did a quick explanation of Liv and Hela's powers, as Liv is of my own making and Hela's aren't really explained in Thor: Ragnarok. There is also a good chance that I may change Hela's powers/abilities a bit, so this also helps explain those.

Starting with the character we already know, Hela can bring the dead to life and control them like her puppets, or minions. She also has the ability of weapon manifestation (which is pretty self-explanatory [think of when she would summon all of those sward or dagger-like objects]). Hela also has the ability to create portals, as well as an outer exoskeleton, as we see when her whole outfit changes and her headpiece is revealed after she comes out of the self-made portal. Like Thor, Hela was the original wielder of Mjolnir, and like any other godly Asgardian, has immortality.

One thing I have added is that any soldier that dies fighting in battle with Hela automatically joins her army of the undead.

For Liv, things are a bit more complicated.

Liv's eyes are the same as Heimdall's and are used for the same purpose. Liv can see anyone anywhere in the Nine Realms and was actually supposed to take over for Heimdall when he chose to retire or he passed. Liv also grows wings, but more information on that will be for a later chapter. She has the ability to heal herself and others, no matter where in the nine realms they are. Opposite her sister, Liv has the ability to control any living creature, however, she absolutely hates using this ability on people. Like her sister, Liv can do magic, such as teleportation, summoning, duplication, illusions, and telepathy. All of these were of course taught by Frigga herself. Also, like her sister and any other godly Asgardian, Liv is immortal.

I hope this clears up any confusion you may have later on, as some of this probably won't be explained with the way I have been writing my chapters. If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to ask in the comments and I will do my best to answer them!

Love, Peach

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