Khapter (11) Ellifu ~ That Time Liv Met the Doctor

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Got extra impatient and decided to post three chapters at once

I honestly dont even know how it happened.

I signed up to be a nurse to help the wounded during this war. I would go around from base to base, helping out those I could.

Which was everyone.

With my powers, the men I helped experienced little pain and were healed the most I could without people being suspicious. Because of this, one of the doctors I was working with for a very short time, Doctor Abraham Erskine, (who was only helping because they were understaffed with doctors and needed to call in some help) noticed how I was with the patients.

He never asked why my patients wouldn't scream when a limb would get amputated, nor did he ask how I calmed my patients so well that they didn't get scared of dying, but he did ask if I would help with a personal project of his.

At first, I refused, instead wanting to help the men here, but when he told me that with the success of this project, the war has a brilliant chance of ending sooner rather than later, I wasn't really one to refuse.

He gave me an address, told me to meet him the next day at 7 o'clock sharp, and then left for another patient.

So now here I am, outside of some old antique store, not knowing what I'm doing for just about the first time in my life.

"Ah, Nurse Olivia!" I heard someone shout, turning to see who it was.

"Doctor Erskine! You caught me at a good time as I was about to leave. You seem to have given me the wrong address." I showed him the card he gave me with the address to Brooklyn's Antiques.

"No no, this is the right place." He said, placing a loose hand on my back and leading me inside. "Now, what you are about to see is top secret, so you mustn't share this with anyone."

I gave him a strange look before an elderly woman walked up to us.

"Wonderfull weather this morning, isn't it?" She asked.

I was about to answer when the doctor said "Yes, but I always carry an umbrella."

I gave him another strange look while the supposed owner of the shop went behind the counter. I heard a small buzzing sound as the Doctor led me to the back room, where after a moment two of the shelves opened up to reveal a hallway with nurses and men in uniforms.

"Doctor what is this?" I questioned as he led me deeper into the hidden space.

"A few years ago, I was rescued by the S.S.R. from a man called Johann Schmidt. He wanted to use the power of what is called the Tesseract to create weapons mankind cannot even begin to imagine."

"Wait the Tesseract?" I blanked. How did it wind up here on Midgard?

"You know of it?"

"Um, only from stories. I heard of it from a Norse book not long ago. Thought it was just a myth." I shrugged off.

"Well, it is said that myths are formed from truths. This appears to be part of the case." The doctor kept leading me through the maze of hallways. I tried to remember every turn we made, just in case something went wrong. "While being forced to work for Schmidt, he made me create a powerful serum that would enhance not only a person's body, but mind as well, making them very powerful."

"Expand? I don't think I understand what you mean."

"With the serum, it will not only make the recipient stronger physically but also enhance their mind. The good will become great, and the bad will become worse." He stopped in front of some double doors, turning to properly face me. "Schmidt made me create the serum for himself and his army. Thankfully, I only made a single vile before I was rescued, but it was not right. The serum backfired on him, making him... well... deformed, shall I say. After I was rescued by Agent Carter, who you shall meet shortly, I'm sure, I continued my work with the help of Howard Stark and his sister, Olivia. Together, we hopefully created the perfect serum to make the perfect soldiers."

"What does this have to do with me, Doctor?"

"I want your help with all the final touches. I don't know how you do it, nor do I care at this moment. Right now, all I would want from you is to help me assess the candidates to help me find the right match, as well as... taking some of their pain away, if you will, when it is time to start the procedures."

"How many will there be? Test subjects, I mean."

"Two. One male, and one female."

"Do we know who these people are yet?"

"We know the female, and she is more than willing to be a part of this."

"Well, who is it?"

"The woman I mentioned earlier. Olivia Stark."

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