Episode 29: Ghost in the Moon

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NOTE: This chapter is a publicly republished piece containing additional story content. On other sites, I made this decision to notify readers of the changes so that they are not at risk of missing out on it. Newer readers don't need to worry about this.

10/18/2022 UPDATE: Revisions to this chapter have been made that will affect the course of the story. Expect further revisions in other chapters as deemed fit.


The news of Anne's indictment did not go over well with Charles. He holed himself up in the closet for several hours until Junior calmed him down. Even so, the pain of being parted from the single parental figure he had since birth never went away.

The day after the incident, Pepé arrives in his apartment, with the young buck following behind. Ralph and Wile stare in confoundment at the surprise guest, until he gives the full explanation.

"I understand that this is on short notice, but I could not allow my son to lose what little family he has."

"Pepé, there's barely enough space here for the three of us," Ralph says. "I don't think we can afford another mouth to feed, anyway."

Charles interjects, "Monsieur, I won't be much trouble, I promise. I don't need to eat much and I can always sleep on the couch."

"What about medical expenses? If you get hurt or sick, we might not be able to pay your bills. Wiles and I do some pretty dangerous work and there's no telling what could happen. You understand that, don't you?"

This confounds Wile. He never thought of Ralph as the type to worry about other children's welfare, despite their heroics back in Studio 8. Self-centered though his phrasing may be at points, he is showing that he cares in his own way. Perhaps his time with Charles changed his perspective.

Nonchalant, Charles answers, "Of course. But you don't need to worry. Back in Québec, Tata and I would deal with shady people all the time. Whenever one of them tried to cross me, I'd use my spray to fend for myself." He smiles. "I am a skunk, after all." Wile bites his lip, reminded of his embarrassing run-in with Anne.

Ralph, on the other hand, is more apprehensive. "Well, I can't stop you. Skunks do what they gotta do, right? But try not to use it indoors. We don't want a repeat of what happened at Cheese E. Sneezer's, okay?" Charles okays in response, pleasing the wolf.

Relieved by the apparent resolution to the conflict, Pepé makes way for the kitchen. "I'll prepare us some breakfast. What do you say about cheese omelettes and bacon?" The excited reactions further cement his assumption.


At the stroke of midnight, the moon shining round and full, Anne stares up at the barred window from her prison cell. She regrets not her actions, but the fact that she was foolish enough to get caught. Never will she watch her nephew mature into adulthood, nor go on more dates with Sylvester, whom she had fallen in love with in their short time together. She will never be free. Not unless a miracle happens.

From the moonbeams, glowing particles appear, floating and merging into a single animated form. The shape is hard to decipher, but when she sees what looks like rabbit ears, her mouth opens slightly. "Mr. Bunny?"

The form responds with a simple "no", an echoing feminine voice resonating in her ears. It orders her to "take my hand". She does. Everything in the space, including themselves, is submerged in blinding white, and she loses her sight.


In the ACME Corp CEO office, Bugs waits patiently, staring up at the moon from the wall-sized windows. Behind him, the glowing particles from the moonbeams merge and transform into his fiancée, Lola, accompanied by Henriette. Lola cups her head in her hand, groaning, "Man, that still gives me a headache. Worst. Power. Ever."

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