Episode 20: Down in the Dark

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WARNING: This chapter contains references to blood and gore, dismemberment, and implicit sexualized violence. Please read with caution.


At nightfall, George, Ralph, and Furrball arrive at the Acme Underground Railway Station, donned in trench coats and wide-brimmed hats. Ralph raises the lapels on his coat to better hide his face from passersby. He always knew he was small for a wolf, but wearing something of Wile's hits home just how delicate his build is. Or how pungent the coyote's scent is. I really gotta buy him a better shampoo, he makes a mental note to himself.

George sniffs the air. "You smell that?" he asks. Another sniff, and his nose wrinkles in disgust. "Damn, it's like something died nearby."

Following the Basset's cue, Ralph and Furrball take a whiff. Intermingled with the scents of the commuting Sapients is a putrid stench akin to rotting flesh. "I know that smell anywhere," Ralph mutters as he follows the trail.

Past the hub and into the obscured outer rims of the station, they spot the odor's source, a tall, hooded figure, turning into a dark corner hidden from the general population. George takes the lead as they enter the darkness. The hallway is pitch black and cramped, forcing them to step cautiously and grope at the walls for security. Soon, they find a line of small lanterns, hung above a series of stony spiral steps. Down they descend, deeper into the earth, the walls becoming more rugged and dirt-covered along the way. The path ends at a steel door. George knocks at the metal surface, and a thin slit opens, revealing a pair of nostrils amidst small, fleshy tentacles.

"How many?" a deep, ominous voice from behind the door demands.

"Party of three, here to be free," George responds.

The voice laughs, and the tentacled nostrils disappear from sight. Then the door opens, blinding George and Ralph with bright, warm light.

When they emerge from the darkness, they find themselves standing before a massive, lively underground civilization. The surface of the border has the rocky texture of subterranean earth, lit by hanging lanterns, and above is sleek metal–where the Railway's central hub would be. The civilization itself is a bazaar of all sorts of establishments, from simple tented booths to full stone buildings, combining into what one could only describe as a more compact and eclectic version of Acme City itself.

The doorman, a Star-nosed mole, sniffs Ralph and Furrball as they pass by. "You don't smell familiar. Are you new here?"

Ralph, unnerved by the pseudo-eldritch mammal standing near him, stammers, "Y–Yes, I am. Is something wrong?"

The mole, after a pause, smiles. "No, nothing at all. Welcome to Acme Underground. Please, enjoy your stay."

George steps in. "Xoth, have you smelled someone else passing by before us? One that reeks of death? We got business with him."

"Yes, I know of one who calls himself 'Anubis'. He's a regular visitor to these parts. I believe he mentioned going to The Dungeon."

Tipping his hat, George thanks the mole and leads his companions into the town square. "I dunno what your relationship is with that stranger," he says grimly, "but if he's down here, there's a big chance he's up to no good. Just stick to your job and keep your noses out of trouble."

Ralph wants to ask so many questions, but the intimidating atmosphere prevents him from doing such. He traces a cross in the air and splits off with Furrball. Just stick to the job, and everything will be fine.

Trekking down the sinful streets of Acme Underground, Furrball and Ralph interrogate the listed vendors one by one. Unfortunately, most of them have their lips zipped, chained to confidentiality agreements between them and their suppliers. As they are about to consider giving up, they encounter one seller willing to share some information.

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