That was what the Fifth Avenue house was for.

Louise pursed her lips. "Not odd, Miss Dalian, just a bit strange." She shook her head, smiling though. "But I'm sure everything will be just fine. I wasn't fortunate enough to know your father, but it is quite apparent that he and your mother loved each other deeply. Why would you ever turn away from an example like that?"

"Why indeed?" I muttered, pulling on my gloves and heading out. I was fully prepared to collect Will and get into the carriage when I stopped short in the parlor. It wasn't because Will was there, he was actually quite handsome in his checked charcoal suit and bowler with its blue hat band. Then again, I always found him handsome. Instead it was Oscar that drew me to a stop, an easy grin on his face. "What are you doing back here so soon?"

"Dropping off my wedding gifts!" He stood, coming to kiss my cheek. "Or rather, bringing you to them. They are rather large, I hope you don't mind that I haven't had them wrapped."

I chuckled, smiling at him. "It's an unforgivable breach of etiquette, you know."

"I do." He gestured to an absolutely massive display of flowers in a fine china vase in the parlor. "Which is why I brought these, for the both of you." I couldn't help the sigh that came out of me seeing the delicate glazing of the blue figures on the vase, almost hidden by the draping olive branches and ivy that overflowed from the bouquet. Heather, hellebore and sweet William dueled with dahlias to overwhelm the eyes with color while the cattails disdained the riot beneath them. Oscar reached down and brushed one of the bundles of red and white flowers. "I hope you don't mind, I was unable to resist myself."

"Meaning?" William stood, coming to look closer at the flowers.

"Ah, simply that this is called sweet William." Oscar smiled, "Something that I'm sure Anastasia here has called you before."

I laughed, "Well thank you for the flowers Oscar, they are lovely."

"And they are not the only thing!" He stood, coming and taking my arm. "Grab your hat, my dear, for I am taking you and William out." He didn't even wait, simply plucking my hat from Peggy's hand and plopping it on top of my head. He only paused at the door to look back at Will, still sitting stunned in the parlor. "Are you coming or am I going to be forced to steal Anastasia away?"

Will groaned, standing and taking my hand from Oscar's arm. "Whatever madness you have planned, I suppose I must tag along." Oscar only grinned at that, holding the door for both of us and assisting me up into his car. At Oscar's tap on the glass the driver started off, apparently knowing right where to go.

I watched the city roll by outside the windows, a brisk spring day that had gotten people out and walking. "So where are you taking us?"

"Where's the fun in a surprise if I tell you?" The self-satisfied grin on Oscars face was rather infuriating, and I snorted at him. He laughed, his voice light. "Oh and you had so much planned for today, didn't you? Where were you planning to go, your offices?"

I sighed. "And what if I was?"

"Then you should be thanking God that I saved you from it." He rolled his eyes. "You're going to be married in less than a month, you have got to stop shutting yourself up with those numbers. Your men have been doing good, you should allow yourself to be a bride-to-be for awhile." He glanced out the window, smiling. "Ah, here we are."

"You must be joking." Will said once we had disembarked. "Tiffany's?"

"I never joke about gifts." Oscar chuckled, nodding to some of the staff as we walked in. I couldn't help my eyes being drawn to the cases, the displays that dominated the room. Glittering diamond necklaces, sweeping around in the new style that made it look almost like they had been grown from some kind of plant rather than shaped by human hands. I stood staring at a massive diamond pendant, both aware of and completely ignoring the salesman that was eyeing me. I felt Oscar's hands on my shoulders, gently pulling me back. "Anastasia, please step away from the jewels. Not even both our fortunes combined could afford it."

Cold All the Way Through, But WarmingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora