The Start of Spring

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Author's Note: Hey Guys My other book had a chapter that took a long time to write because that was a long story. I have recently read a book and I am feeling quite happy, it was a Romance book even though that isn't a genre I would read a lot. If you want to know the book then here it is, "Finding Jupiter" there are some squeamish parts but that is only on one page. So yeah I have become addicted to books and that is a good thing!

Pixal POV

I woke up the next day feeling very weak, I fought myself to get up and be strong.

I soon get up and try to break the doors on the cell,

I began to go tired and I leaned on the door and began to cry.

I take off my necklace that had a snowflake pendant, I run my fingers through it.

I close my eyes and let tears run down my eyes, how can I get Zane back?

I soon felt a warm hand taking mine, I open my eyes and saw him right there.

I was somewhere else, I was leaning on a small cherry blossom tree and was wearing a purple kimono.

One of his hands was on one of my cheeks, 

I close my eyes and leaned into his touch.

I soon felt him sitting down next to me and I felt myself leaning my head onto his shoulder.

I sigh happily and was so happy to have his presence, he is sometimes comforting to me.

I opened my eyes again and found myself back in the dungeon,

I flex out my fingers and found snowflakes forming.

What should I do now?

I have to break out of here, 

I soon found a lock on the door of the dungeon.

I managed to place my hands on it and rust it, soon it decayed and dropped to the floor.

I opened the door and tiptoed out from the dungeon area, 

I soon walked through the hallway.

This place is like a maze,

I soon found my way to the Emperor's throne.

But he wasn't there, where is he?

Is this a dream?

I soon began to look for him,

I soon found him outside the balcony he was creating a large storm.

I had to stop him, I immediately charged up to him,

"Your Emperor, Look Out" I hear Vex roar.

The Emperor turns to me and was about to hit me but I managed to knock him off his feet.

But the problem was that he was on the edge of the rail, he soon fell off the edge and fell to the ground.

I also fell along with him and my surrounding go black,

I groan and woke up when I gained consciousness.

I feel like I have fallen from a high place, I found myself in a violent snowstorm.

I managed to control it a bit but it was too powerful to stop,

I felt something hit my back.

I yelp and fall to the floor again, I turn to see the Emperor very angry.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask him, 

"For Revenge" He roars,

"What Revenge? There is nothing you can do" I said.

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